Constance Badger's Guide To Sex

#6 of redwall xxx in the aftermath of the war with cluny the scourge, matthias the warrior is looking forward to his wedding with cornflower.

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Sela's New Job (Redwall fanfic)

cluny the scourge lay still on his cot inside his personal tent. he had been waiting for sela to administer her daily treatment of herbs and "magic" to his nearly-healed wounds.

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Of Warlords and Pleasures: Cluny the Scourge

NOTICE! All chars used in this story are copyright Brian Jacques, and are used without permisson. Cluny sat idly in his tent, swishing his tail and enjoying the CRACK it made when he snapped it in the air. The big rat peered out of his tent at the...

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Redwall: Cluny and Sela - Motivation

#17 of redwall the morning sun was rising, it's light beamed across the encampment of cluny the scourge.

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Redwall: Helping Out a Hare

With the defeat of slagar the cruel and cluny the scourge, the peaceful woodlanders felt more at ease to travel freely throughout the land.

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Redwall: The Warrior's Ritual - Part 5 (Final Chapter)

For many seasons now, you've known me as the champion of redwall, defender of our home, and slayer of the vile, evil cluny the scourge.

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Slagar the Master P3

Everyone who was involved in the wars with cluny the scourge or half the beasts in this land have experienced something like that. now... come out and let's go get some food together.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 1

Or even cluny the scourge. if somebeast had just killed these beasts before they were old enough to control an army, imagine all the tragedies that could've been averted, the lives that could've been saved."

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Redwall: Mattimeo's Humiliation

Slagar was going to make an example of those slaves, though he had his eyes on one slave in particular: mattimeo, the son of matthias, hero of redwall and slayer of cluny the scourge.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 6

And sure, yeah, there's cluny the scourge and the marlfox clan and gulo the savage, but let's face it: those woodlanders only see us as those vermin who cocked up their evil schemes 'cos of their pride or selfishness or stupidity.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 9

" this is wot we do now: slay innocent vermin babes before they allegedly turn into the next cluny the scourge?" asked needles. the badger snarled. "don't you _dare_ take that tone with me!

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Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure: Entry 45

Professor rattigan should be able to get cluny the scourge and jenner on his payroll without too much trouble, so he'll be able to back us up on the slavery side of things.

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