Enduring Love Prologue

I leave you with my favorite quote: love never fails, it never gives up, and it won't run out on you.

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Imagination, The Thing That Mends Us To Part.

Even "wind" -imagination- has its colors and if you "know no reason to care for the season" -never give up- then you will achieve "divine art". the boy sat there and pondered. to where off he could have wondered, he demanded a pen, a paper, and a plot.


the fire inside.

give up and good things will come, not just honor and pride, but a job well done.

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I will never bend

Even if i'm surrounded by hopelessness and despair i will never give up my place in this societal warfare who are they to judge me for whom i kiss i guess for them ignorance is really bliss.


True Self (An Original Song Lyrics)

I will never give up and neither will you. never shut up when speaking for the few. nothing can stop us for what we do. we'll see this fight all the way through. _stand for what is true. don't hide what defines you.

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Expression of feelings - My first english love poem ~

The moment will fade at the time i get up, but deep within me i will never give up. driving to work, in my car all alone, willing to wait, can't await to get home.


High school charm

Moon: i say this is going to be a rockin friendship between all of us yackshime: my beloved friends we stay together for as long as we live we never give up hope on anything one of us messup's on were stay forever till the end ( the floor

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Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:19 Piece of Me

She`s strong, and never gives up. the song ends. bowser goes to jewelia. he looks down, as she places down her guitar. she looks up at him. "how depressed are you now?" she asks. bowser just smiles. jewelia kisses him on the cheek. bowser blushes.

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The Warm Hearts of Night

give up for the shadows that you think are haunting you are but mere illusions of day that melt away as night falls and the real shadows are their to greet you with a smile, and warm hearts.

Tina II Chapter 11- The Prisoner- A Gray Muzzle story

"never give up on love. that boy....you love him?" dorothy looked down, never saying a word. "never give up on love......"

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The man that no one believed in.

What ever he did he new it was right from helping people at fish, to doing volunteer work at the spca in his town from never giving up no matter what life threw his way he new from all his studies and research that he had done and exploring the great out door's