
**Maxwell** My name's Maxwell. And I am in love with your service. The stories that people confess to on here are so hot to listen to. So, I decided to add to your glorious collection. I'll start with the basics first. I'm a saber tooth tiger, 24,...

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Somewhere in the White Void (Patreon story)

Under a layer of solid snow stood a stuffed sabretooth tiger on a faux-boulder. the other displays had either been ransacked years ago or molted from age, but this one hadn't.

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More than just feelings - 4

More Than Just Feeling Good. This is the fourth in a series and is complete fiction. The characters in this story are the property of Fox Studios, not me and are subject to international copyright laws. This story contains sexually explicit...

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More than just feelings - 3

More Than Just Feeling Good. This is the third in a series and is complete fiction. The characters in this story are the property of Fox Studios, not me and are subject to international copyright laws. This story contains sexually explicit...

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Kuroko's Finest: Jane: Wayward Heiress

Jane finished polishing the half-imagined scuffs from her sunglasses, and settled them on her face, perched over that broad feline muzzle, they lent a mirrored sparkle to otherwise tawny fur. Between those and the leather jacket and worn jeans, she...

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How Can Something So Wrong, Feel So Right?

"Stop that!" Leaf said with a soft giggle. Luka grinned as he heard his sister's giggles, it pleased him making her happy. "Stop what?" he asked her innocently nipping her neck again. Her tail twitched as she gave him a seriously look, fighting the...

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Shipping and Manhandling - Katrina

"Hey boss, you wanted to see me?" Kuroko's office was bathed in sunset, wide open windows letting the early fall evening air coast through. The black fox, with missing ear and glittering green eyes was seated, as usual on the edge of his desk. Jane...

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Die Lust der Jäger - Teil 2 (Anfang der Fortsetzung)

_Vor acht Jahren schrieb ich die Kurzgeschichte "Die Lust der Jäger" und plante ursprünglich keine Fortsetzung. Nach längerer Schreibpause und einigen Kurzgeschichten die ich vorbereitete und auch alte Geschichten, die ich überarbeitete und nunmehr...

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Rise of Red Comet, Chapter 3, The Felinizing

# Once a station from MORPH passed over the planet, James immediately took the Red Comet up to board it. He had reversed his decision as to what type of cat he was interested in being and thought it would be a better idea to be a saber-toothed tiger....

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Ghost Hands

"So just sign here, here, and initial here." Laura did as directed, then poked Larry in the chest. "I already signed a million waivers when I joined the company to enroll in the Desire department in the first place. Why do I need another round for...

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