He Came From Nowhere

No one but me and my mom seemed to notice this guy, which was very obvious because he wasn't native by his caucasian skin.

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Food Chain Exposition 2 (Re-upload)

She was also another caucasian like me.her hair had been styled into a spike shaped mohawk growing 4 inches long and dyed with purple tips, while the rest of her head was shaved bald.

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Boondocks: Becoming 'Man' of the House

_ black jazmine said each shout she gave powerful thrusts into white jazmine's butt making the caucasian half moan through her gag. jazmine pushed the button! "_penis on!"

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Character bio sheet

Ryan m atlas- age 24/4 adult-6ft, 195lbs brown hair/eyes mixed human-caucasian/african american occupation- infantry platoon commander usmc, un peacekeeping crisis response unit.

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The Curse Pt1

I was just a thin, light tan caucasian/asian hybrid with shaggy brownish black hair and dark brown eyes to match. "errf! damn you wind!" i mutter as a gust of freezing air hits me. "i hope spring comes soon!"

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The World

Most of tribes are asian-looking, the rest are caucasian-looking. tribes from western peninsula are more similar to germanic people; tribes from eastern peninsula are more like bedouin peoples.

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Major Thomas Bishop bio.

Name: thomas bishop age: 35 sex: male species: human/anthro husky hybrid ethnicity: caucasian height:6'4" weight: 247 ibs. rank: major appearance: he is a broad shouldered looking fellow.

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Race: caucasian. addre..." "wait. who are you? and where did you get my info from?" the odd stranger leaned forward a little into the light revealing ghostly pale skin. "you can call me mr. htaed wait you weren't told?" he went back into the dark.

The Way the World Ends...

I ventured a glance over my shoulder... ...the person behind me was caucasian and male, fairly young but not extremely so, and he was wearing a jacket and tie, the jacket slightly ill-fitting and the tie off-kilter, giving him a somewhat rumpled appearance

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Characters for Shadowrun Story: Silvara

Mexican hat is a small out of the way village populated by caucasians in the (now) pcc, and under navajo protection from ute oppression. however, at 12 years of age, the girl was abducted by slavers and taught the way of slavery.

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Rising Curiosities

Rose was an 8 year old caucasian little girl, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and an imagination that could take on the world.

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One was most young, no older than 19, with gentle caucasian skin tone and soft chestnut hair and golden eyes.

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