#21 of national poetry writing month
this poem is inspired by the upcoming video game destiny! not only does it look amazing but one of the species you can play as is known as the exo.
Destiny the game, Machine, Poem, Poetry, Robot, video game
Chap.2: The Serpentine
While going in the mansion to rest for the night, Lee found it was something else entirely....
A giant, dark room. With what seemed like ancient stairways on each side of the room; leading up to a higher floor. There...
Adventure, Burden, Emotion, Scar, Story, Travis, destiny, furry
My first chap. of my new story, destiny's burden. i hope everybody likes it. i'm a new writer so any advice, support, etc. will be much appreciated! thanks! :d
\*my first chap. of my new story. i hope everybody likes it.
Adventure, Burden, Emotion, Scar, Story, Travis, destiny, furry
#1 of dark destiny
dark destiny
darkness...that's all i can see, darkness going on and on...an endless abyss, but i feel suspended like i'm not on the ground nor is anything holding me...
Dark, Dream, Parents, Prologue, Story, darkness, destiny, visions
The Installment
(A lewd short story featuring Cayde-6 and Briareos Hecatonchires)
(Thanks to Helix-69 for the pairing and scenario suggestion)
Briareos sat in a bar swirling his drink, the ice clinking together. He took a sip, the alcohol lightly...
Briareos Hecatonchires, Cayde-6, Cyborg, Explicit, appleseed, destiny
Prev- [http://www.sofurry.com/view/424830](http://www.sofurry.com/view/424830)
Now on the eve of my nineteenth birthday I feel it's time for me to leave my home. This was something I'd been thinking about for a while now but, couldn't find a reason....
Clean, Fox, Wolf/Jaguar, destiny, fate, life, second chance
Prev- [http://www.sofurry.com/view/424834](http://www.sofurry.com/view/424834)
"Since we're partnered up together, might as well make the best of it." She replied grudgingly. "You don't like the arrangement do you?" I asked. "It's not you personally...
Clean, Fox, Wolf/Jaguar, destiny, fate, life, second chance
Prev- [http://www.sofurry.com/view/425006](http://www.sofurry.com/view/425006)
"Well, you've only got about ten hours to live. Is there anything that I could offer you that might change your mind?" He asked. "Yeah, there's one thing." I replied as I...
Clean, Fox, Wolf/Jaguar, destiny, fate, life, second chance
Prev- [http://www.sofurry.com/view/425008](http://www.sofurry.com/view/425008)
I could sense her defenses were up just by the way she presented herself. "Calm, yourself sister I'm only here to speak with my mother and High Priestess Azalea." I replied...
Clean, Fox, Wolf/Jaguar, destiny, fate, life, second chance
It's said that you can find beauty in every walk of life. Sadly that might be true some the rest have to earn it. Much like everything else in this little world we call home. When life gives you that one golden egg you have to take it or offer it to...
Clean, Fox, Wolf/Jaguar, destiny, fate, life, second chance