Anthro Greek: KATs Vrs. DOGs
Kara was the type of girl where greek life was her only life. she loved it so much she made it her top priority of every waking minute, and destroy anything that wasn't greek. kara was a bitch. "everyone knows delta omega gamma."
Cold Blood 3: Green Fields
"doesn't speak greek, you say," and his latin, unlike the first one's, was lilting with a greek accent. "no, lord green." "still," the other said considering. "he's feral, lord green, and you heard what he just said."
Agathodemon -- The Snake's Nymph
#30 of the bestiary a winged serpent from classical greek and gnostic traditions. it's associated with bringing good luck and was given offerings of wine. as a spirit of the vineyard they were seen as personal companion spirits.
Cold Blood 16: Forced Perspective
Zebra said something soothing in greek, and then sighed. "he's really unhappy i told you." "i thought he only spoke greek?" "he's mute, not a ... ????????" a mild gurgle answered that, and tag followed it with a quick, apologetic, stream of greek.
Facts about the Elohim, Part 2
Ancient sumerian/babylonian mythology, as well as ancient greek mythology, speak of a war waged between the human-like "gods" of their pantheons and an earlier, more chaotic race. the greek myths called this earlier race the titans.
Battle In Athens
The chinese high command greeted the news of the greek retreat with contempt and bereted the greek commander before gathering whatever greek soldiers that they could salvage from the shattered regiment and reforming them as a battalion.
How Menander Got His Name
The port of alexandria, where i had landed, was really a greek civilization, and the attic greek i had learned from my mother served me perfectly well.
The Fiercer the Flush
Shortly after they stopped in the roman and greek buffet restaurant for dinner.
Excerpt: Sighs for the Labyrinth - Dungeon Grind Anthology
"where my own ancestors would have cursed the very idea of other greeks within our ranks, now we find ourselves hosting beasts along-side us as though arming the very horses we ride on." lukan said nothing.
A History Lesson
He daydreamed the possibility of various greek mentors keeping in him a skimpy toga and taking turns with his behind.
A Life in College: A Thought (and Action) Part 1
"what is greek history?" he asked. i put up a paw almost immediately, still feeling witty. "thomas?" asked professor rowen. "greek history is a study about the greeks and their histories," i said.
Fur and Feather
It was greek. old greek. socrates kind of greek. the kind even the greeks didn't speak any more. winged horse. greek. his mind was racing; that winged horse pegasus was only a legend.