Excerpt 22-Evacuation
"so eager for a straight gunfight", a quiet sounding person said, he couldn't have been any older than nine i'd guess, "it's to easy to die facing your opponent straight up, this is why my weapon has a scope."
Excerpt 19- Zombies Not To Scale
Normally we could go hunt them down ourselves, problem is, there's damaged equipment here that we have to get repaired, and since we're no good at gunfights, we need someone else to hunt them down and shut them off."
Chapter 17: Her Majesty's Home Takes a Hit
Ah, i would feel better if we weren't in the middle of a gunfight.
The Wastes- Chapter 6: New Problems, Old Friends
My deepest apologies for the incredibly long delay on this post, I lost track of the story and had to swivel it back into perspective. For those of you still inclined to read, please do enjoy. I think this is a good one... Chapter 6: New...
A Dragon's Tale Genesis-Chapter 2-The Recovery Job
"fixing to get into a pretty big gunfight",i said to myself as i observed the court yard.
Heart Of A Gunslinger
#20 of poetry originally started as a poem about myself and my own personal failings, but as i don't like to write about me, it morphed into a little story about a gunfighter/gangster/insert-violent-criminal-here as they describe their life and warn the reader
After the Storm - Part 7 [Leaf Anderson]
"heard you two got into a gunfight back there. how was it?" "hmph." jason gave it a short chuckle before answering. "you should've heard what happened after the gunfight."
Last Stand of the Frej [Chapter 2]
[Since people seem to be reading these, I shall continue!] "The typical Aridanian dreadnought's main armaments consist of fifty-three 'Thor' class high-yield nuclear explosives, roughly one-thousand heat seeking 'Raven' missiles, and either one or two...
What Universe Am I In? Chapter 1 (rewrite)
From a gunfight with bank robbers?" "somehow, the shields and power cells reacted, and \*poof\*, here we are." she said with a frown. "are we in a cheesy sci-fi story or what?
Revolution | Chapter VIII: Grave Decisions
But we still had a mission to do and i couldn't let him risk his life, in the middle of a gunfight, just to try and get revenge on a man as cruel as he was.
[CANCELED] 'The One Among Us'
"oh lighten up john, you're still jumpy from the last case and the gunfight" harry chuckled as he commented on my thoughts of the dispatch.
Love in War Chap.1
Shelby turner gunfighter squadron, us marine corp. 2nd lt. stephanie athena, co-pilot. same squadron, same corp."