Chapter 37: I Still Love You
yuri was horrified when talib nodded, and without hesitating, he suddenly swung yuri over his shoulder. yuri hung there, her red buttocks and swollen pussy lips in plain sight for enya to see.
Red Storm chapter 2
yuri looked around for kiril and saw him rummaging through an ammo crate. "kiril!!!" yuri yelled to his friend and the feline spun around and ran as fast as he could twords yuri. "found this. take it." he handed yuri a ppd40 smg. "let's go then."
Chapter 12: Brotherly Love
#12 of the mating season 4 chapter 12: brotherly love yuri didn't know what do. enya was destined to marry theo the very next day. enya had asked yuri to run away with her, but yuri had refused. running away didn't solve anything.
Chapter 22: Sisterly Love
#22 of the mating season 4 chapter 22: sisterly love "very good, yuri," zaldon said proudly. yuri grinned.
Longest Tale Part 2
He looked at yuri and sighed, yuri only grinning sheepishly back. "time for a good story, isn't it, yuri?" yuri merely nodded and gestured for the chair across the table. "have a seat, hank, it'll take some time."
Chapter 27
She stepped close to yuri and kissed her. yuri moaned as her tit was massaged. enya fumbled to get the rest of the gown off, backing yuri to the bed as she worked. yuri allowed herself to be pressed down on the rose petals.
Valley of the Wolf
Sasha and yuri hefted their, mercifully much lighter, packs. sasha followed yuri out and closed the door behind them. yuri had decided to make one last quick stop before they headed out into the wild.
Chapter 32: Divide and Conquer
Free now of the vines, yuri fell forward with a weak cry and was warmed to feel what was undeniably zaldon's hard chest against her cheek, zaldon's big arms catching her. "oh, yuri! yuri!"
Valley of the Wolf - Returning Home
He said patting the exam table behind yuri. yuri placed his hands on the table either side of him and hoisted himself onto the table.
Chapter 11
"why did you take it, yuri?" yuri bit her lip and leaned the staff against the wall.
Chapter 16: Fuck Me
"yuri, fuck me, baby - fuck me now!" ever obedient, yuri took enya's hips and slapped her pelvis against the handle.
The Busty Babysitters
"lick me yuri." moaned kentaro. "oh yeah, baby want a big licky." gasped yuri loudly.