Starborne - Adrift in a Sea of Stars: Out of the Dark
The reason is simple: mankind was running out of time.
Dreamy Downpour
Will i ever find love, the dove of mankind? would i never strive, the alcove of joy? ah how wonderful it would ever-so be. if but once i could smile in ernest, savouring the moment at last.
Sky Ocean Chapter 1
The totems reclaimed the earth mankind had so cruely and foolishly forsaken. although mankind no longer exists, we still hold in our archives an extensive history left behind.
Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 3
mankind was just one step from prime apes. humarans are leagues ahead of mankind. man touched the moon, but we will touch the stars!" _ _~rabdul narafte, astro-physicist, keeper of the n.a.s.a. archives, a.c.e.
Tribes Mythos Simplified
The giantsfall (this is the simplified version, i have a way longer epic poem about this in the works) the giantsfall was the war to vanquish mankind. the first attack had the giants destroy the holds of mankind, destroying all but eight clans.
Dusty's Castle- Prelude
And that lost wanderer would unknowingly be the final judge in a battle for the souls of all mankind, and determine who truly reigned; light, or darkness...
Saving Earth
mankind is decimated. mankind makes a stand. earth is defended. but stories aren't reality. fiction isn't real. dreams do not come true and there are no more hero's. where were the armies when their bombs leveled city after city?
The vaccine
**the vaccine** in a distant future mankind was about to become extinct due to several incurable diseases caused by a «miracle vaccine» which where supposed to cure all diseases and birth defects.
Pandora's Templar - Chapter 11
For i will not destroy mankind until i have heard what you advise.'
New Furry Story Idea
Luckily, mankind placed much of their technology and knowledge in what later became known as "the vault".
History, from The First to Second Great War
It is discovered that dragons had actually lived amongst mankind for a millennia and longer, having witnessed the rise and evolution of humanity, yet hid when man tried to exterminate them.
Accompanied by Tornado Siren
What mankind plants, mankind must someday reap. what past affirms will future disavow. no human work will ever ever-keep. if so, what shall i hold to, if not thee? what other flotsam could survive this tide?