Horizon: Rebuilt Chapter 10
Qali growled under his breath, "a quantum core, three heavily injured men, and a power loader? you're asking for a lot for just fifteen thousand sacs." "first of all," horizon snarled.
Horizon: Rebuilt Chapter 8
"what, is this thing quantum encrypted or something?" "no," sam retorted. "if it was quantum encrypted your machine here would have no chance.
Extended Loop Theory
Extended loop theory is an extension of a 21st century theory of quantum gravity known as loop quantum gravity (lqg). like lqg, elt quantises spacetime at the level of the planck length, creating a minimum possible length scale.
OSC: First Contact
Incoming quantum-port!" the computer alerted. general zrackndi's big, beady eyes popped open. "what!?" that settled that question - whatever had sent this device had quantum-portation technology...and was using it to port in right then!
The Captain's Lament (final rough draft)
The engine has a quantum velocity core. it uses standard warp for normal travel with a maximum cruising speed of nine. the quantum core, when in use creates a controllable tunnel in space with a simulated top speed on the warp scale of twenty five.
Horizon: Rebuilt Chapter 12
"the quantum computer you hooked me up to didn't take long to crack the encryption on those protocols. i'm free." "federation law prohibits running artificial neural networks or simulated personas on quantum computers!"
Off Limits
She almost ran into fran turning around to run back toward the quantum portal. "let me just..." the jackal ran back after her as the quantum portal closed.
Para-Imperium Technology
quantum entanglement: quantum entangled particles are primarily used in four ways.
Horizon: Rebuilt Chapter 9
_sleeper hold on target two, jab with autoinjector and pounce on target three._ "and i don't believe that's a quantum core processor!" everyone in the alleyway turned to stare at shawn after his unexpected outburst.
Grocery Store Dancer
Already he'd started to dematerialize, returning to quantum potential. after another two seconds, the dance meadow and cougar-morphs were gone and the displaced frozen pizzas and potato chips were back.
Horizon: Rebuilt Chapter 11
The armor laid heavily on her shoulders and the quantum core threatened to rip her fingers off of her hands.
2. My New Life-1
Drives are surprisingly sensitive to even small amounts of quantum energy but the pulse that hit us was quantum energy in its rawest form, meaning that the drives took a massive quantum energy surge that they weren't speced for and which our shielding systems