TCN interview: Orr Family

This exemplifies the issue caused by the orr family propagating throughout so many timelines. the family answering questions is from the timeline hdk-154, while the orr family which has dealings with the society is from timeline kyd-954.

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Falling Apart Aside: 5-1 - Nekoboy History

He was brought to this timeline's breakwater hideaway, and his memories were mostly wiped out with the destruction of the other timeline. there were a few details that even dialga couldn't touch, though.

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A Squeak in Time - Prologue - "Right Place, Wrong Timeline"

#1 of a squeak in time frosty has a rather unusual career as a timeline-hopper, tracking down those that have fallen away from their proper timeline somehow, and returning them to restore balance to the stream.

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Out Of Time - Book 1: The Witch - Chaper 1: The beginning

"the second timeline infraction is in the era of president richard nixon. that will be kaodina's era." the bird raised a brow. "nixon's timeline? why me?" kaodina wasn't the only one confused by this. panal spoke up to add.


Guardian of Time: Chapter I

... as well as in all the other timelines that branched from the alpha timeline, which was every other timeline in existence.

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Shattered Timelines: Battletech

#1 of shattered timelines: alternate battletech if any of you have questions as to what these machines look like hit up in your google browser and search the 'mechs category or put in the names listed it will give you and idea of what these machines


The Editors & Ascendent Back Story

#3 of alien exchange stories and related materials the back story, outline and timeline for the naerian species.

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A Day Trip to the SHIFT Institute

"there was a me from this timeline and one from the timeline that i originally came from, and you just... swapped us out? do i have the me from this timeline walking around as me in my timeline, or am i just twitching on the floor drooling?"

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Me, Myself, and Mouse

His collar and cats suit began to scan and gather details about this timeline, and used that information to compile an anchor code, a routing command that would allow cats to return him to his home timeline. "anchor established.

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A History Lesson

Particle by particle, and timeline by timeline, lisa was disappearing. a dull glow came to nine as he sucked her in. his first victim. she would become apart of him and he would becoming something more.

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New Prime Evolution

Apparently it's not the first time that this has happened either, the medical professionals call it timeline corruption syndrome." "timeline corruption syndrome?" serathin repeated. "i've never heard of that before."

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