Howling Halloween
All of the guests inside were wearing costumes, no surprise since it was halloween. however, those costumes were _revealing_. the kind of costumes that you would not see at any family-friendly party.
Origin of Streak II
"i thought you tights had just started makin' yer own costumes or somethin'!"
The Smoking Mask - Finale
He wasn't aware of himself pulling the costume up his chest. he slid one arm into sleeve, braying at the silky feel as the costume engulfed his torso. sliding the other arm into the costume, he hoisted it over his shoulders.
Just a Little Halloween Incest
In retrospect, he should have picked it out as soon as he had spotted her costume.
Snapshots - The Show Must Go On
The door to his dressing chamber flew open with a well-timed kick, his colourful cape and doublet already shucked and sent sailing off into the vicinity of his costume dresser.
Serenifi: Old And New Friends Unite!
"also, can you wear your sexiest outfit there?" "ok." later... fifi was wearing her french maid costume, rummaging through her drawers for something. suddenly, the doorbell rang.
The Costume Party
Luckily, most of the other revelers seemed to take her dog costume as a good-natured joke, though eunice didn't particularly care what they thought. the one drawback of her costume was that it got very hot.
Surprise Mechanics
Luna quickly rushed to a mirror once he slipped the outfit on. he could see out of the eyes of the outfit, though he saw a bit of the inside of the suit too.
A Magical Halloween
"i'm fine...i'm having lots of like my costume...i'm supposed to be like queen callista!" the kitten burbled in a rush. "really? that's so cool and i love your costume.
Was that your tail?
He walked up to them and thought of course, it had to be two fully costumed people in their respective tigress and werewolf suits but david could tell just from looking they weren't in costume.
masquerade part 1 - preperations
Soon he had both arms in the costume.
The Cowboi
Jake found that he had not control over his body and began to collapse, before he could fall he was picked up in a shoulder lift and moved over to the table where the costume was waiting. jake's left leg was slid into the leg of the costume.