Act XIII: Laurel and Hardy I sighed. "He took the bullet meant for me. Will he be okay?" Circe called out from the bushes. "Dominic will be fine, as soon as I figure out how to change him back to his human self. I just wish I could take...

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Act XII: Body Double Times Two I decided to veer the party back towards the camp. It was late, and I was looking forward to a warm bed. When we arrived back in the village, I noticed that the campfires were burning a lot brighter than usual. Also,...

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Act XI

Act XI: Who The Hell Are You? The next day, Mark and I were relaxing in Athens. I was still in a slump over having lost track of that damned Hogan Slade. Someday I knew his luck would end. I almost had him. Almost. Mark and I were shooting...

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Act X

Act X: Tale Of Two Werewolves When I arrived at the bunker in Leeds, my car phone rang. I picked up the receiver. "Danath?" It was indeed Danath Gaul. "Jansen? Good. I'm glad I caught you before you returned to Athens. Another mission has...

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Act IX

Act IX: Eldritch Pips and Unicycles A little over twelve to fifteen hours later, my jet landed in Leeds, England. I reported to the local Chess bunker and requested Emergency Pack B, as well as a sports car. I sat in the sports car looking over the...

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Act VIII: What You Should Never Know About a week later, I returned to Athens, Greece. I had wisely used my week's stay in Romania to make sure that the O'dora family were indeed gone. I didn't want any surprises cropping up later. Sebastian and the...

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straight out of bram stoker and anne rice. if the two had ever married in a joint writing venture, that castle was the result. and there seemed to be a constant storm around the castle itself. that indicated to me that these people had power.

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Part ONE

It had been six years since Apollo felt a female's heat. He often day dreamed of tucking his head between the thighs of the girl who lived down stairs. She always wore a low cut top and he had the best view from his apartment window above. Her breasts...

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Renamon x Guilmon

"SERIOUSLY! I'm trying to make us sandwiches! Stop eating all the bread, Guilmon!" The big lizard looked at the Renamon with a tilt of the head and a confused look. "But I only eat mine Renamon." "I know that, but we need to put meat and cheese...

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Underwater Fling

But before she continued on her way, vida quickly bent forward deeply, keeping her legs straight and lifted her tail high to give francis a full and uninhibited view of her bare rump and plump labia between her round thighs.

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A Day In The Forest

BY: daniel1994 A Day In The Forest Rushing to get away from the 3 bandits that had been following her ever since she had left the inn several miles back, Sarah had know that she was being followed and that she was in trouble if she didn't figure out...

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Thos BIG Ole' Stripes (Second Commision)

This is my first story where plot wasn't a big deal. The person who asked for this commision said he didn't care about plot, but I do. Plot gives us an excuse to care about the people, and to some people, make them not care about the sex. I tried, good...

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