Astora part 2

The wolf sat up slowly, groaning in pain. He wiped the soot away from his eyes only to see a scorched land with shafts of lightning appearing from the sky then disappearing. Creatures all over were always getting casted down to Izalith, a lot of...

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The Lead Crown: Ch 7c, Proclamations (Pt 2)

Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 7.2, Proclamations Batholomeu sat with his feet up on his work desk, chair leaned back on two legs as he slowly swirled a half cup of cognac around in his wine glass. It was a fine Ilysean vintage, and one he had...

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Storm Clouds Brewing

           Maggie came down the stairs, knowing full well that he wasn't going to be at the table sipping coffee. She wasn't disappointed.Her mother was looking so much better with the passing of each hour that despite her present ire, Maggie managed...

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The Past Meets the Present

                As it turns out nothing untoward happened during the nighttime hours. No odor; no secret, dire warnings. Perhaps he figured there was little point in being persistent. Heck, for that matter, maybe he really wanted us to try....

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Jack's Tail: Chapter-10 Recovery and Routine

Chapter 10: Recovery and Routine It seems Alpha wants to stay the night again in my residential container, like she doesn't trust me to not do something stupid. Not that I was planning on doing something stupid, like harming myself. Without a way...

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A Biz-tsar Gathering

               Maggie tried to stop him, but the woman demurred. "Let him go." She called to one of the other wolves, who approached and transformed into full were form. "Yes leader?"                 "Mortalia, you're in your breeding cycle aren't...

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It's a Ring Thing

                A few hours later everyone gathered together. Edward's chest was healed, but like Maggie, he was going to retain a scar for the rest of his life. Maggie was in the master's face over the matter of the armor and weapons. He was doing...

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The Leading Edge of the Storm Front

                Maggie found who she was looking for, and once she got a promise of at least of show of their presence and support, she made good their escape. As one they traveled south to the point she knew in her heart was going to be somewhere...

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Battle Master, Ch 9

Battle Master Chapter 9 The trip to the border took three days and, despite being promised more time with his brother, Baedyn only saw Talvin for supper each day and then, on two days, their meals were interrupted by 'word from the men'. The...

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The Strange Case of Jekyll and Hyde

                It was movie worthy, and likely more than the original book ever let onto. However, unlike some depictions of similar characters on television and in the movies, he was standing there stark naked. Clothing was designed to fit a...

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Drifting Down the Loire with Da Vinci

                They exited the grounds of the chateau, but not without many curious looks from the visitors. It wasn't that any single thing about the group stood out, it was all in the combination; an old bearded man in period costume, a middle aged...

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Russian into Danger

                They remained at the hotel for several more days, occasionally meeting with the pope. He would have loved to spend more time with them, but he did have a lot of appointments to keep. In the mean time, they kept themselves...

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