To Catch a Rabbit - Chapter 4 - A New Home
His first stop would be city hall. at school tim was distracted for most of the day, not that that hadn't been a common occurrence since he'd moved in with ten, but today was more than usual.
The Breaking Point: Chapter 7
Once we walked out of the city hall with the hvt's, i walked over to the tiger. "here you are, sir." i said, and plopped the mayor down at his feet. "well, what do we have here."
You Sure This is a Dog?
city hall was looking good. well, as good as one could expect considering it had been a pile of rubble not a year ago. the old city hall had been build in the most modern style.
[Short] Raining it In
"next we'll hit city hall. that should be the perfect place to warm up and end our tour," he said. "now if you just follow me." though city hall wasn't far, the rain only worsened during the time it took to get there.
Merlin's Revenge Chapter 22
He stood on the large veranda of city hall looking to the west amazed. he saw that it was actually putting the massive fire that engulfed harbor island out.
Pawford, Ch 2: A Camp Story
Sometimes i think the only reason i got a break after that was because city hall closed for july and august. i'm not exaggerating either... the whole of city hall.
Chpt 17- War Diaries II
After they took over they turned city hall into their base of operations." "and what of the supplies from concordia?" "as far as we have seen they are moored somewhere close by.
Meeting the Neibhors
No sir," she said as she tried to regain her bearings while he led her out of the city hall."
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book II Chapter 7
Spyro exclaimed horrified as he began to dash towards the city hall's door.
The Giant Bacteria: The Novelization, Part 1
~\*~ city hall now had a full compliment of octopus missiles bristling imbedded into its sides, looking like some kind of angry inverted porcupine with a clock. razor was angry.
Merlin's Revenge Chapter 27
Shelby, like most seattleites had never been inside city hall. she and the other three were escorted into the upper lobby.
Cold Trailing: Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
Clad in a clean uniform, will had set off alone towards city hall. where else would he go to meet the mayor? only once he'd gotten half way there did he realize there was no city hall standing.