Survival of the Fittest. Episode-3

Running full speed, he entered the small room. his boots thumping softly on the concrete floor.

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Stonefall Pit: 001 [Game]

You snap awake in a small room of nondescript stone blocks. you spot a bucket, a plate, a small box and a thick wooden door.


THE INN: Chapter 1

He grabbed the small led flashlight from his bedside table and left his small room. the hallway was lighted at intervals by wall lamps, but the dim, yellowish light created an old, lonely atmosphere.

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Getting Better

The small room is humble in size and décor with not much more than a bed, bedside table, a chair and a tiny room for the lavatory.

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Plot To "The Possession"

Luke explores the chamber and soon finds a small room with a podium, on the podium stand a strange looking statue of a half wolf and half boy figure. luke is overwhelmed and decides to take it home with him.

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The Glorious Past

It was fairly spartan, a bed, table, and a chair rested there in that small room, with a small cubby off to the side that served as a bathroom.

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Hotel Emperador - Chapter 4: Mr Viennomante

It was a small room with dark granite floor and four walls covered in wooden planks of several shades of brown in vertical along the lower half.

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Straight Daddy Blackmail

He pulled out some keys and opened a padlock on a metal door that led into a small room which soon was lit when he hit a switch and a bulb came up on the ceiling.

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A Rat's Ass

He was in a small room, unfurnished except for a big trunk full of clothes and a few discarded wicker baskets. not wishing to linger, he eased the door open and peeked into the hallway.

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The White Robe Chapter 25

The light in the room was dim, but she could still make out that she was standing in a small room with a solid concrete floor. there was no furniture.

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The World's Faul - Ch. 2

Dave led me into a very small room; doors closing behind us. i turned to face the doors. why had they locked us in here?


Off the Deep End

As the door closed, orange looked about the damp room, it was about fourteen feet by ten feet, a small room for a team of ronsos, but good for maybe six. he stepped up onto the provided bench and sat with a relaxed sigh on the high seat.

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