Chapter 1: A visit in the night

"Wake up, little brother." The soft and warm voice brushed the ears of the young white wolf. He sat up in bed then, a look of confusion on his face and quickly looked around the dark room. The alarm near his bed said it was just past midnight, and the...

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Pandemic-Day 34 9:49 AM 12/25/2022-Chapter 3-Wasteland Surprises

The blizzard lasted three days. The whole while the clouds kept the sky dark like night while loud thunder and bright lightning often startled us awake. Ice formed on the window and if you just paused and listened you could hear the wind picking up the...

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The Tale of Tecwyn, Ch1 - An icy journey

He took a seat next to one of the fires, and observed the others that made the journey over the mountain with him.

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Gryphon's Tale Part 2

**Part II** ** ** Death is inescapable; it is how we live our lives after a loss that is the hardest. Those that die young or before true potential is achieved hit us to the core. Cherish their memories and continue on knowing that they are in...

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**_Shade_** We were walking down route 35. I had just received a Squirtle watering can from a flora girl. I looked down at my Umbreon, Shade. She was my first pokemon. She was always calm, and aggressive when needed, but today it seemed like...

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Tamer of the Mountain

Tamer of the Mountain He'd walk, continuously without aim, without reason. Though the woods in violent storms, over the rolling windy plains and through the vast desert. As he walked he listened, to the passing moments, to the world as it worked...

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Walking to a new home.(W.I.P)Updated 9-18-12

It was a bright sunny day as the two brothers walked through the lush forest walkways. The bright mid day sun was soaking into the brothers shining coat as it liked through the thick leaves. Today was a special day for them, they had even gotten up...

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Salaceon Tales

I personally believe that the journey for gym badges is pointless and that the pokémon league has no meaning, strength is measured by your friends and how you use it to protect others.

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Pandemic-Day 37 6:52 AM 1/1/2023-Chapter 7-New Year's Day

I woke around seven o'clock the next morning. At first, I thought the past few days may have just been a dream, but it was realizing my vest was at the foot of my sleeping bag that had jolted me back into the unwelcome reality that today was just...

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Pandemic-Day 36 11:43 AM 12/31/2022-Chapter 6-Route Change

That night was the most comfortable I'd had in a while. The heat that came from the heater kept our small cubby like room warm even as the temperature dipped outside while our long clothes and high grade camping mats kept us insulated. I was almost too...

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Pandemic-Day 35 7:15 AM 12/30/2022-Chapter 5-Camping...Sort Of

For the first time since we'd started this trip, I woke up without a general stiffness throughout my body. I had discovered in Delta Force that cold water had a knack for relaxing tense muscle, which is why my Dad and I always took cold showers after...

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Pandemic-Day 34 1:15 PM 12/25/2022-Chapter 4-Bandit

"There's someone up there",Raf said sounding kind of shocked. To be completely honest, I was as well. Raf and I watched from the truck as the kid stood out in front of the barricade, observing the area underneath the bridge. He also seemed to have...

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