Chapter 5 - Fate's Cruel Irony

Location: Valkyrie â€" Alexandria System "Colin, I cannot break the umbilical cable!" shouted Djynn. "The alien vessel seems to be ignoring us for the time being." Colin felt powerless to stop what was happening to Alexandria but he still had...

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Chapter 4 - The Collective

Chapter 4 â€" The Collective Location: Alexandria Sector The Alexandria army had been caught unprepared and were now paying the price for that. Half the battle-fleet engaged hopelessly against on massive ship, a dark spiny sleek vessel of...

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Chapter 3 - Angels Fall First

Location: Angel's Rest Fleet Yards â€" Alexandria Two months later... Colin reported to one of the stern faced Admirals for the Alexandrian military. The Admiral was wearing a distinctive blue uniform which was an interesting contrast between...

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Chapter 2 - Someone to Watch Over Me

Location: Alexandria â€" Athenus Palace "We have a duty to remember those that have given their lives in a great sacrifice to protect our galaxy, our peace and our way of life." Queen Songbird stood on the plinth overlooking the magnificent...

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Chapter 1 - Shattered

Location: Terra â€" 250 years ago â€" Chentrilla City Kestra smiled as she walked in the President's office. She was holding a big wedge of papers under her arm and her military uniform clung to her slim body frame. She opened the huge oak door...

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Chapter 17 - Paradise Lost

Chapter 19 â€" Paradise Lost Location: Valkyrie - Bridge The battered Valkyrie jumped back into normal space right in-front of the glimmering blue/green planet of Terra. The ship still had massive internal and external damage however the...

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Chapter 16 - Mortality

Chapter 18 - Mortality Repairs on the Valkyrie were proceeding slowly, with both engines offline all of the resistance fleet had jumped out of Pegasus Drive to protect them as they made repairs before proceeding on to their final destination......

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Tales of Terra - Chapter 2 - Leyton, Kariko, Aries

Aries smiled at Kariko as he said this, his cock was twitching wildly as Kariko presented himself to him. He needed the release, his anti-sexual wife was driving him mad. Slowly he began to undo his trousers, watching them fall down, revealing a...

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Valkyrie - The History of the Altia Galaxy - Part 1 - The Atlantian Age

Atlantian Age (AA) (Note â€" Atlantian Age starts with the colonisation of the Planet Earth but the actual Atlantian Empire had existed many years before that. Unknown (aproximately 100,000 years ago) â€" The people of the planet Atlantia...

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Chapter 15 - Turning The Tide

Location: Valkyrie â€" Bridge "Bring all batteries to defensive positions!" shouted Colin as the ship shook violently. The consoles began to explode all round the bridge. The Valkyrie was in trouble, the interdemensional disruptor has been...

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Chapter 14 - The Lie

Location: Valkyrie â€" Ready Room "What the hell do you think you are playing at!?" Colin slammed his fist down on the table of his private ready room. Both Oriyn and Miles stood before him, Miles looked incredibly unconcerned however Oriyn...

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Chapter 13 - The Dawn

Chapter 15 â€" The Dawn Location: The Valkyrie â€" Travelling Between Alexandria and Terra The fleet was on its way. About forty different configurations of ships shot through the portal in Bifrost. Bifrost was an eerier dimension where...

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