Filling the Void - Chapter One

This is the first chapter of the series, Filling the Void, a collaboration between myself and VictusLupus. It occurs in the Beneath the Skin universe, in parallel with Bo and Dan. We've been working on this for a couple of years now, and he's created...

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Nine Lives - Chapter Nine (the Crownedclown13 Roundabout Project)

Asher set a hand on his sister's shoulder, "Is he alive?" Claudia nodded, "yes, but barely" He walked over to Chris's feet. He knew what to do. He grabbed his waist and lifted him off the ground, wincing from the pain in his shoulder. Claudia was...

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Exposure - Chapter Two

Howdy! I initially had no intention of making Exposure anything more than a short story, but I found the characters compelling, and it seems others found them so as well! So, before I fly off to my 7-day vacation cruise tonight, here is the...

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Exposure - Chapter Four

"There's a nice park just down the street," Dox offered. "It's such a nice day out. Let's take a walk down there before you have to leave." On the way out the door, Dox picked up a Frisbee and played with it nervously in his hands as they...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Nineteen

"So what's this guy like?" Lucas asked, as he smoothed wrinkles from his shirt. "You know, really. The way everyone gets that weird look in their eyes whenever someone mentions his name, he must be a real piece of work." "If by, 'a piece of work' you...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Eighteen

Their hunger sated, Lucas and Victus retired to their shared room. As they passed the negin's private suite, the sound of a child's giggly laughter reached them through the closed door. Lucas raised an eyebrow. "He has kids?" "No," Victus said, trying...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Seventeen

Victus flowed through his Tai Chi forms with the peaceful grace of a fish gliding through water. The cool dawn air, made humid by the surrounding acres of grass growing unnaturally on this near-desert world, felt dense and energizing as it moved in and...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Sixteen

"He hardly calls any more," Dagen complained, knowing full well that he sounded like a churlish old fishwife but not caring enough to stop. "I almost feel as if I've been abandoned." "You got along just fine before you had Victus in your life," Abbot...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Fifteen

The door to the passenger cell of the robotic shuttle opened with a pneumatic hiss. The lone passenger stepped into a large aerodome that smelled strongly of the same ozone and synthetic lubricants that seemed ubiquitous among spaceports across the...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Fourteen

**_Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries..._ Victus thought, as he scanned the surrounding terrain with his ocular magnifiers. The child is always pushing boundaries... He'd arrived at his client's manor three months earlier as an honored guest, the pomp...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Thirteen

"You still letting old Cyrus fuck around with your brain?" Rob asked, poking Dagen's head with a thick forefinger to get his point across. "You don't know what he's doing up there, buddy. Probably turning you into a killer cyborg with a secret...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Twelve

Dagen looked mightily confused. "But... It's your birthday! Didn't they celebrate your birthday in the home?" Victus shrugged. "It's not important." Although he was determined not to let it show on his face, Dagen felt frustration settling into...

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