Recompense, Part 2

Alaus left out the Law. He was very conscious of the hand on his shoulder. Not daring to let himself hesitate, no matter the embarrassment, he described seduction. He didn't bother with the details, but he left no doubt as to the extent of his......

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Recompense, Part 1 (Fixed for real)

Jonnor brushed open the door. Alaus was there, sitting up and hugging his knees. Well, at least he'd moved from lying prone. "Come, now," he told his son, "You've been on that bed two nights and a day without a word." Alaus grunted - an...

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The Whelpling's Game

"Good morning, Alaus!" He heard his name, recognized the woman's voice, but deigned not to even roll over. "Go away," he groaned, comfortable where he was. "Sun's is up already, and you missed breakfast. Vilda will want to..." He didn't want...

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Whelp No More

Alaus woke up, and immediately wished he hadn't. He was on his side, ribs propped up by one of Rahamuth's claws, while his head hung down against the dragon's scaly chest. He ached everywhere; from the waist up because of the strange angles he'd slept...

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Dragonslayer's Son

A young man crouched at the base of a waterfall, throwing sopping locks of sandy hair out of his eyes. He hadn't even touched the water, but he was soaked by the misty spray the falls emitted. He supposed the near constant dampness was what made the...

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All that Glitters: Touching Souls

Xavi dozed at some point, and had no idea how long it had been when she awoke. It could have been hours, for all she knew. Long enough to get a very stiff back, leaning against a stone wall as she was. The dragon's morning nap dragged on, and thinking...

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All that Glitters: The Lost Tongue

"Xavi, come on girl!" She stirred at the elated whisper, blinking at the ceiling. "Eh... err?" A slightly arched ceiling. A small room. Swaying slashes of light from a partly shuttered lantern. "Hop up, Xavi! You asked me to wake you, remember?"...

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