Brother Fighting Brother part 2
Fang and Tamati just stood there as the wind blew across the battlefield, their swords held in their wrench tight grip as thunder edge sparked with lightning while foe reaver gave off a small flame along the edge then as Fang opened his eyes they...
Brother Fighting Brother part 1
Two brothers would and they even fought like brothers, especially over the remote.
Good Enough (Brother, My Brother)
Nathan's eyes went wide as he watched the ball bounce of damien's muzzle and his little brother fall over. panic sent his mind reeling as he dashed over, picking up his little brother to see specks of blood on the side of his brother's face.
My New Big Brother
He slowly approached his new brother. "hello." he said. "my name is sci." "my name is shiba." he responded. "you're my big brother now." "and you're my little brother now." shiba hugged him and started wagging. "little bro..."
A Wolfs Love Chp.1
I grumbled at my twin brother. "get up bark bark" i groaned and threw a pillow at the playfull wolf. he stumbled back and giggled and blushed. "whats wrong with you?" i asked.
Memories of Lightwave
I stopped at the open doorway of my older brother's room and peeked in.
In Memory of My Little Brother
Thanks for being my big brother."_
Thieves - Prelude
I couldn't do that, and not for my own sake, but my brother's. the only thing i could do is hope this dream wouldn't be as bad as the last...
Enslaved by Brother
My brother is a bigger cock slut than you, kev." "sh-shut up! i'm not gay. kevin i swear this is all one real fucked up situation and you should just run. i can grab my brother and--" "you want to fuck my brother, kevin?"
We Are Brothers.
Koda praised, hugging his big brothers leg. "you're welcome little brother." kenai replied, giving his little brother a cuddle. after a short embrace, sitka appeared before the two again.
Brothers and Sisters
# chapter 7: brothers and sisters _june 9'th 1988 20:45 hours the kennel, london, england_ i wasn't sure where he'd found it, but handler llyal offered us some day old chinese takeout.
The Serpent Brothers
Wheeler brothers we're going to be taking along with us?"