Bad Kitties
Bad kitty; the ultimate yiff piece (in a salute to the soon-to-be-deceased yiffstar, i figured there's time for one last, great story. something really outrageous,. so, here it is.
Kitty's Punishment
"bad kitty!" you shout between hits. i yip and squeak, crying with each strike. my lily skin starts to burn pink, then red. it seems to go on forever, each hit hurts more and i cry louder. i want it to stop. please stop, master.
good kitty.......
Slowly she licked her matted fur. With every strong stroke of her rough tongue she tasted the sweet lingering of him. Him. He was everything. He was the heart pounds that shook her sleek body, the air that she sharply sucked deep into her lungs just...
My Kitty
#1 of my kitty 1-15 tell me if you like it and i may just write more. this took me about 2 days to write, i hope you like it! 'class is going so slow today' i thought.
For The Love Of Kitty
"kimmy loves kitty too" she replied as she started to rub body making kitty purr loudly, kitty was so happy, she thought that no one loved her, but kimmy came and saved kitty and she loved kitty.
Milk For Kitty
"aw, that's a gooooood kitty," he said softly. "mm, kitty likes!" whined rufus. "i wanna see you wiggle more," jim said. he leaned down and grabbed hold of rufus' hips.
Kitty In the Den
kitty in the den a work of erotic fiction written by iscin ([]( []( commissioned by fyrdrgon.
Kitty In The Den
A story commission for fyrdragon # kitty in the den _a work of erotic fiction written by iscin from commissioned by fyrdragon. all right reserved. 2014_ ## farmhouse it looks so very pastoral.
Lost Kitty
She looked back at him with an amused expression, "we can hug more later, silly kitty. i need to talk to uncle brandon now." jason nodded slowly, "do you really think he'll listen," he murmured.
The Teacher's Kitty
"such a pretty kitty..." kao crooned. "maybe there's a way you can get your marks up, if you're really good at doing something better with that smart mouth of yours than back-talking me. do you think you can be a good, pretty kitty, hiss?"
Kitty Litter
Or should i say, 'kitty litter?'"
Crazy Kitty
"we have to go shopping and slaying for the pretty andy kitty yesh.