Chapter 6 - The City of Yin and Yang
But the chinese here in san francisco were unlike anything that came before. they were always in high spirits. they were always smiling and worked so hard.
Chapter 13 - Blood in the Streets
A dragon had come to san francisco. note: for this chapter, there are chinese characters that can't be displayed on this website, so please read the google doc version if you can for those sections with the "??" in this chapter. sorry about that!
Chapter 12 - Everyone has a Struggle
The cat brothers' story reminded me that even though a lot of people here in san francisco are happy, they still have their own burdens and demons to deal with.
Yo-kai Specs 3: Classic Hospitality
It was green, like hanako-san's, but with brand new art.
An experiment gone wrong? Part 6
Asgore rubs his hand over his beard, "do you require any help with it maybe gaster and sans can look it over with you."
An experiment gone wrong? Part 5
Toriel looks back at sans tears staining her eye, "sans what is going on? why is this happening?" sans expression is bleak, but he is also just as confused. his eye dart back and forth like he's looking for answers he doesn't have.
Song of the Soul: Getting Acquainted (Ch 1)
sans has nearly forgotten the feeling of moving to a rhythm at all, but when she enters his life... well, maybe there are things worth dancing for, and in turn, worth living for. descriptions of oc left vague for a semi reader x sans experience.
Chapter 4 - Family Far and Near
I had grown up in an ancient city, and even new york, by comparison, was old compared to san francisco.
Yo-kai Specs 7: Triggered
"are you really hanako-san?" i asked. i started to tremble a bit, but tried my best to control it. "my friend, hanako-san?" "that's noroino hanako, now." she replied. "in english, please." i sighed.
Chapter 9 - The Dragon
#9 of simon king #3: a lonely dragon something is stalking the rooftops of san francisco, bringing back terrible memories for simon as tension in the city begins to boil.
Chapter 8 - Baby It's Cold Out There
#8 of simon king #3: a lonely dragon simon discovers that life in san francisco is exhausting but rewarding. we're also introduced to a friend of lucas.
Yo-kai Specs 4: The Missing Yo-kai Watch
Hanako-san?" i asked my shorter friend for advice. hanako-san was swiping away at the yo-kai pad. after a few moments, she paused and leaned close to hungramps's ear, whispering something to him.