Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.5 - Receptions, The Good, THe Bad, And the Onikage Special
**Ch.** **5 Receptions, The Good, The Bad, And The Onikage Special** Disclaimer: 1 All Final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of Square Enix and do not belong to me. Every thing else is me and my friends. "You know, my...
Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.4 Drake's Discovery, and the Final Test
Disclaimer: 1 All Final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of Square Enix and do not belong to me. Every thing else is me and my friends. **Ch.4 Drake's Discovery, and the Final Test** Drake stood at the...
Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.3 - Tests, Tests, Tests, Oh Yeah Did I Mention Tests
Disclaimer: 1 All Final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of Square Enixand do not belong to me. Every thing else is me and my friends. **Ch.3 Tests, Tests, Tests, oh yeah did I mention Tests** Xavier...
Final Fantasy X-treme Ch.1 Interviews Before the Test
"my mother referred me here as i am only half dragon, and wished me to partake in my human side since even she does not know who my real parents are." drake let them digest this as well as they could. at about this time mr.
Chapter 7: Reunion
"that's because i'm a half-dragon." "well," lazok shrugged, "i guess i can't call you a liar, because you do have that massive dragon. azroth, is it?" he nodded. "i trust him more then anyone." "does he talk ever?"
Heather Finds A Shiny Part 2
Part 2 heather the half-dragon pursued big red with a general feeling of agitation at his blatant theft of her find.
Seekers: Chapter Sixteen: The Dead Ship
Location: Wastelands. Closest City: Falsetto. Time: 15:25pm. Year: 2180, March 11th. So far, the day had been very uneventful. Me and Elise kept swapping between driving The Cradle and having a nap; leaving us in complete silence. It was a lonely...
History Lesson - Confronting the Queen
Only a few moments later, Tik Tik comes stomping into the chambers. "Tikana. Now that we're alone, you're going to have to explain to me everything about your outburst." "Look at you, making demands of me," The Queen says, sitting up and letting...
Chapter 1: A History Revealed
The torch near the cell door flickered and awoke Drake, who had been sleeping on the damp cell floor. He sat up and rubbed the area under the ankle shackles that always blistered. Stumbling groggily towards the door, he looked for the Lunch guard who'd...
Mountain Love: Part 3
Merlin slowly felt his senses coming to him as he stirred from the most peaceful slumber he had had in years; he felt cold and reached across to his mother, only to find a cold void in her stead. He decided to find her rather than wait for her to show...
Mountain Love
She was thirty-eight and a half-wolf, half-dragon. she had received a good mix of her parent's genes, having elegant, light grey fur and smooth, virtually skin like silvery scales.
Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Prologue 2-2
Setting a plate down on the table in front of the half-dragon, zidane smiled as he saw his nose twitch at the awful scent. "don't mind the smell, trust me. it tastes great!"