Change of Pace
Flicking his tail left and right in a huff, the fox padded through the streets. A look of irritation was clear on his face, his muzzle contorted into a scowl as the memories replayed in his head with abandon. He sighed, stopping in the middle of the...
A boy and his dog
May 3rd, 6 PM, Miller Lake -- The shepherd boy sits on the edge of the pier, legs over the edge. The fishing pier sits serenely just a few feet above the water. His foot paws are just an inch from the water. He lets out a soft sigh as he stares at his...
Rocket Ditto
"Out of my way!" Ash yelled at the rocket grunts in front of him. He was once again on a mission to stop the evil organization Team Rocket. He wasn't sure what was happening, but Ditto's across the region have been kidnapped from their...
Double Blind Monster
"you could have warned me before i lost another pair of clothing that muscle growth would be involved, how would i not notice this?"
Dad's Growth Part 2
The sharp eardrum piercing ring of his alarm woke the young rottweiler from his sleep. Rays of sunshine broke through the curtain windows, illuminating his body. Benny's eyes fluttered open. He pulled himself up, and yawned. Benny's head felt like he...
"Just... sign it?" The broad orc-satyr across the cedar wood table nodded and replied with the calm of a sleeping bird. "Just sign it. Then we take your measurements, have a quick toast, and we start the two-day trial." Bozorg, or "Boz,"...
Gunther's Warlord 3
(THE SWEETIE PIE. HEADQUATERS AND CAPITAL WARSHIP OF THE REBEL FORCES) Lieutenant-Colonel Mitch Michelson, twenty-two, beautiful and brilliant, and, he mused, probably a bit arrogant for knowing it. But that was okay, for he needed every...
Bat Out of Swell
Isn't this supposed to be for muscle growth and stuff? this is all freaking vanilla!"
Envious Gains
**Envious Gains** _By Dragonien_ "So, you want to bulk up?" The dragon's deep voice rumbled through the gym's lobby, his massive barrel-chest magnifying the sound of his words like an amplifier. Listix would have been utterly terrified of the...
It Matters So Much
At forty feet tall he shifted the program slightly to reactivate his muscle growth. in seconds the buttons of his shirt gave way and popped off.
Growvember Day 6
### November 6th I woke up to people talking around me, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, expecting to have started growing again. I could tell I had, maybe at least a foot, comparing an old foot print of mine from yesterday to today, but I was more...
The Woodfather - Pollination Reports
**Nexus Reports: Pollination** **The Ritualist** Designation ** ** WFVS2-0004 Threat Classification ** ** Orcus Origins ** ** Formerly known as Tobias Roman, this individual once had a rather laid back and 'go with the flow' approach to life....