Zwei Welten - Prolog
**Prolog** **Bahnhof Köln Messe/Deutz** Die Sonne stand schon tief am Horizont, als Lars an diesem sengend heißen Freitagabend am Bahnhof ankam. Eine harte Arbeitswoche lag hinter ihm, und er freute sich auf die Heimfahrt und das bevorstehende...
What makes one? What qualifies one as such? Can it be a good thing? Or is it a deadly sin? The sight of things, The feel of them, The needy lust, The once in a life chance. I see something i want, Something I may need, Or may simply...
A night to ourselves
The black and red wolf sat on the couch, a snow leopardess in his arms. He was pretty sure she was asleep, but that was fine with him. He stared down at her, studying each curve and spot until he had them perfectly memorized. They didn't...
Slice of Life
The hybrid was lying in bed, it was around seven am. The wolfcat's eyes explored over the text of the pages of a book, who's cover read Clive Barkers Damnation Game. Blackish grey paws flipping [ages, from the first to...
"Found Poem": Vanishing Hopes
(Please read the description) Everyone wants to feel like someone cares... It doesn't matter hard you try, If you only knew It aches in every bone, I'll die alone, but not for pleasure And I just wanna be, wanna be loved-- Welcome to my...
Forked Memories
**W** e all go through a change somewhere in our life, whether its a random stare or a meeting in the middle of nowhere. A change for good or either evil, stringed along as if by chance. Oh how wildly an echo of a memory can be. It pains me to feel...
A Trainer's Tale - Chapter 1: Down the Rabbit-Hole
He just heard a real life zangoose yell at him, and he understood it!
1000 Words: When Coming Out to a Stranger Isn't So Bad
_This story belongs to my growing series: 1000 Words: Picture Stories. If a picture is worth a thousand words, can I paint a scene with the same limitation? The stories in this folder are self-contained, and not interrelated, other than the requirement...
## **A** fter a lot of horrifying revelations to the wider world and the larger furry community about zoosadism, I thought I'd write down my thoughts on where the boundaries lie between the ethical and the depraved in sex with animals. **N** ow,...
August 2015
This is **not** a story, it is real life, it is an account of both my state of mind at a certain point and what i perceived as my final attempt to find that one loving partner which i would hopefully stay with for the rest of my days.
Tiny, Little lock, keeping a big secret...
A lock on a person, always locked up, nowhere to go. Dreaming about a good life, everything happens on it's own, no more worries, no more fear, no more, never more... Depressed, empty, emotionless, nothingness... Always going to the worlds turn,...
Some things you may want to know.
Well, first of all, if you have Steam, you can go ahead and here me here : []( I am gay, my fur is a dragon and yeah, that pretty much all you need to know...