Names Long Lost - S

Scout hugged his knees closely to himself, sending him slowly adrift, spinning and tumbling deeper into the vast emptiness. somewhere out there, a memory. * * * _i came into this world alone. at least, that was what it felt like.

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The Final Entry

adrift in life, consumed by fear and insecurity, dependent on others to raise her up. when she found this island, she found herself. and she became the beautiful griffon i am today.

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Drenched Gambit (Otherwise Untitled)

"i can't give you any answers to your riddle.. but did i ever tell you about the scavenger i took, once, who was stealing power cores from a derelict cruiser that got itself adrift in one of those glimmer nebulas?"

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Chapter 17 - Paradise Lost

The valkyrie was left adrift, alone and on fire with half of the ship utterly ripped away. with no engines the valkyrie was adrift and alone. on the bridge, everyone had been either knocked out or killed in the massive explosion.

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tale of bunny love prequel

I remain alone, adrifting through the blackness.... there is no on for me, i am alone......... there are a few blipsof light...brief online friends and lovers...but everything is dark..... i am to wander in blackness.....

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A Tale of Two Lovers Chapter 2 sneek peek

Felt super tired and just waved hello, he lied down in howls lap and gave him a long wet kiss then buried his muzzle into his belly fur it was soft and silky smooth, then took in his masculine sent which smelled of his intoxicating sent and soon sent him adrift

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Furzonians chapter 2

He had been adrift on a piece of wood for several hours and he was getting pretty hungry unfortunately the wave had taken his suitcase with it where he had packed some sandwiches. he was passing in and out of conscious from time to time.

The Chronicles of Vaahn - The Lost Years

The ship was adrift, belching drive plasma from its gutted innards. decks had twisted and warped under the strain of battle, creating a bizarre parody of a once-proud ship of war.

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My Three Jewels: A New Life

Kra'zzerix ascended further into the sky, beginning to reach into the faint clouds adrift the openness. the white dragons looked to each other nervously before making their ascension. "we're getting pretty high..."

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self realization

U.f captain of alpha zen, what has you adrift so close to shipping lanes?" the voice was one i knew but heard rarely.


Retired Hardware (Otherwise Untitled)

He's the one who thought to install that cannon in the old observatory, when we found that capital ship adrift. named kevin."

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Venture - Part 1 - Dash

Smoke was adrift, fire raging. people were setting things on fire! dashing to her home, she was extremely relieved to see that it was still fine. she hunted around for things to take with her, placing them all carelessly into a pack.

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