Spiral Nebula - Chapter 5

"we're approaching the asteroid belt," announced the pilot. "coordinates are directing me to stay on course. prepare for asteroid maneuvering."

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Space Invaders V: The Return Part I

Alexei opened his eyes just as a small asteroid smashed into him. the asteroid exploded around the lion, denting his armour. and yet, alexei stayed his ground. alexei growled as his mental aura steadily spread.

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Sirius Reboot Teaser

"deckmaster says he's sending the whole flight out so you can 'stretch your wings'" "sounds like fun, dodging asteroids." "it's pretty empty anyway" the fox corrected. "most of the asteroids are tiny and we could easily slip through."

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You're My Guiding Star

My ship isn't designed to zip through the asteroid belt like his. i don't have the same particle drive that lets him convert his ship's mass into light. striking effortlessly between the points of the asteroids, safe from harm.

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(~5~) Less You Succumb, Pt. 1

Before the laser fire got too close he shot ahead at full speed and shielded himself with a large asteroid. once behind the asteroid he pulled back the stick and banked hard and executed a u turn away from the asteroid.

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9. Academics

Ahead and behind the sun-orbit of this planet are collections of asteroids. those places might make good spots for space stations, if you can plot an orbit that doesn't get too close to the asteroids orbiting there.

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The Patchwork Soldier Part II

"that is a carbonaceous chondrite asteroid, made of carbon compounds." "exactly; the asteroid is nothing more than a chunk of cosmic charcoal.

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La Cucaracha

The asteroid of lv-426 was cobbled out of, asteroids of course, but of old starships that brought the cockroaches, the 'kakkerlak' to their homeworld when, so many years past as the last children of man's genetic sodomy, they had unlike their older 'siblings


Confederacy of the Red Nebula

This region is instead now plagued with billions of ice asteroids, but these asteroids are often mined as the ice is clean and unpolluted, making it a prime source for drinking water for the planets and ships in the blue star sector.

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The Patchwork Soldier part IV (revised)

The plan was risky, to say the least; i was to be sealed into a hollowed out carbonaceous asteroid and, using a modified asteroid tug, push me towards the mining base.

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The Patchwork Soldier part IV

The plan was risky, to say the least; i was to be sealed into a hollowed out carbonaceous asteroid and, using a modified asteroid tug, push me towards the mining base.

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Interstellar Darkness

After the hallway, was a large staircase, the bottom seemed endless as it went deep down into the core of the asteroid. the entire complex was a space station, the base however is an asteroid in the outer rim of the galaxy.

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