Where Dragons Rule Rebirth Chapter 5

> Where Dragons Rule > Rebirth > By Evan Drake > © 2019-2020, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved > > > ## ## Chapter 5: Inner Demons Aeris didn't want to go home. Going home meant seeing Windor. Going home meant seeing the...

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Her Envious Nature

> Her Envious Nature > By Evan Drake > © 2020, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved Rowen sighed. She enjoyed the attention, the praise, but now she wished was somewhere else. Somewhere that wasn't a room with no windows or furniture and guarded by...

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Where Dragons Rule: Rebirth Chapter 4

> Where Dragons Rule > Rebirth > By Evan Drake > © 2019-2020, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved > > ## Chapter 4: Ghosts of the Past ## After the incident at the restaurant, Aeris feared things would get worse....

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The First Post of the New Year!

Hey all! Happy New Year and welcome to 2021! We all know that last year is one for the record books for good and bad. It'll be a while before the world returns to a "normal" state, but I feel things have been moving in a fairly positive...


Where Dragons Rule: Rebirth Chapter 7

> Where Dragons Rule > Rebirth > By Evan Drake > © 2019-2020, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved ## Chapter 7: The Matriarch's Call Aeris had no clue what to do with herself. Mr. Thomas gave them the week off and she had nowhere to...

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Where Dragons Rule: Rebirth Chapter 11

> Where Dragons Rule > By Evan Drake > © 2019-2021, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved ## Chapter 11: The Power of Her Will Aeris couldn't wrap her head around today's events. She discovered a hidden torture chamber, the Grand Kobold was...

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Where Dragons Rule Rebirth: Chapter 10

> Where Dragons Rule > Rebirth > By Evan Drake > © 2019-2021, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved ## Chapter 10: The West Wing Aeris' training was a disaster. She hadn't succeeded in grabbing a single flag. Most of the time, she...

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WDR: Lyndria Chapter 18

> Where Dragons Rule > Lyndria > By Evan Drake > © 2019, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved ## Chapter 18: New Additions Lyndria thought she would never adapt to living with humans. She was glad to find out how wrong she was. Over the last couple...

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WDR: Lyndria Chapter 19

> Where Dragons Rule > Lyndria > By Evan Drake > © 2019, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved ## Chapter 19: Darkness Rising With winter coming in fast, and the uncertainty of when or if they would find a suitable home, leaving wasn't the best idea....

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Loyal Dogs: Chapter 3

> Loyal Dogs > By Evan Drake > © 2019-2022, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved ## Chapter 3: Initiation Thern hadn't visited the New Moon district in years, not since he joined the glaives. He was glad to leave and never wanted to return again. As...

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Hunterborn Chapter 2

> Where Dragons Rule > Hunterborn > By Evan Drake > ©2019-2022, All Rights Reserved ## Chapter 2: The Newest Member Never had sitting behind a desk felt so good. Jonah wasn't sure what to expect from his first "mission". He never thought he'd...

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Shadows of Kalos: Chp 2

> Tainted Glory > Shadows of Kalos > By Evan Drake ## Chapter 2: Cursed Cassandra Cassandra snapped her eyes open. It was still dark. She didn't look at the clock next to her bed, knowing if she knew how much longer she had, it would be...

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