Die Nacht in Narnia - 1
Langsam lösten sich die wolken aus wollüstigem delirium in seinem kopf auf, und seine gedanken fanden ihre ordnung wieder. „euer majestät, niemals könnte ich mich dieser gunst als würdig erweisen, und doch muss ich euch noch um eine weitere bitten."
One - Chapter 1
Even as the light delirium began to quiet, her words were no less reassuring to the woman on the other end. "what do you mean?"
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 80
He had clawed his way through fire and coals, pouring snow and freezing cold, had wandered from arrow to arrow, carved into the bark of winterdead trees in a semi-delirium, following half-remembered whispers heard through a veil of dreams, whispers that may
Story Guide: BOVERSE
Also hallucination/delirium.
Purgatory: Prologue - Contacts From The Past.
He remembed snapping his eyes open at the sudden shout, a cold spike of awerness slicing into his delirium. looking up from the floor, body shaking with cold sweat, damek saw that some of the ceiling's beams had partually fallen to the floor.
Her vagina stretched impossibly as a throbbing abdomen began to slide out in a horrible parody of birth, her vaginal lips fusing with it in the process as agonizing pain and sickening pleasure wracked her body as she orgasmed repeatedly with moans of near delirium
Last Act (part 1)
For his part the dhole moaned and panted in his delirium feeling the oddly cool passage stroking him towards his desperately needed release.
Slave pacification (3)
Since its capture, since the wolf had awoken many times in near-delirium and since the breakdown the wolf suffered and realizing it was not a dream.
Eragon's Dominance, Saphira's first heat
Saphira, snapping out of her delirium, snapped her head at the sound of her rider and their minds touched.
The Blessing and The Curse - Part 10
I was in absolute delirium. the pattern of licks, sucks, and bobs felt so amazing that it defies words. my arms flung about, gripping the carpet, his shoulders, his hair.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 172
He had clawed his way through fire and coals, pouring snow and freezing cold, had wandered from arrow to arrow, carved into the bark of winterdead trees in a semi-delirium, following half-remembered whispers heard through a veil of dreams, whispers that may
Sand of broken dreams
He is in a state of delirium. we can't cure him. the humane thing." the doctor stopped, as he seen that alastair was awake. the young doctor gave his parents a clipboard. "sign here" he simply said before he walked off followed by the group of doctors.