The Freeing of My soul
When i tried to get treated for my depression, it was taken along with other things and only a small portion was returned. but the box is there, and i pull it off the shelf.
Finster erscheint die Macht des Waldes in der mondlos ruhigen Nacht keine Tiere, keine Laute ein einz'ges Wesen, das hier wacht. Langsam schweifen meine Augen wollten doch ein Leben sehn', doch es bleibt hier still und leise, als die Stunden...
the Hardships of Today
Screaming words to the end of time, Finding out that they mean nothing to me, Slowly finding out that failure is my option, Why can't I work? Am I broken? The things going on, Hurting my life in ways I can't fix, I just need to realize I can do...
Loneliness...there are 2 types. lets define them. 1: literally. 2:figuratively. the latter being most people. it means you can be in a room full of people, yet feel utterly alone; no one understands one gets one really cares for...
Alone: The introduction
I don't eat breakfast anymore due to my depression, he should know this by now. i stay in my room all, if not most of the time. i don't do anything, but i have a t.v., phone, computer, and xbox to occopy me.
The aim of this project is to shed a bit of light on what depression can be like for someone so young, it's meant to be an emotional experience and it may be very hard for some readers to endure.
The Dark
It rears its head of hollow guilt, At the slightest provocation, How can I fight this morbid demon, From my heart does stir. It claws my heart and shreds my soul, To no one can I turn, Because with me the demon comes, To...
Words Hurt
There is a phrase, a very common phrase That had good meaning till one special day Sticks and stones may break my bones, But words will never hurt me.... It is a lie you see Words are power in this world They hold a lot of weight Be it...
What are we saying In the silences between us? Are there unspoken words? Nothing at all? And emptiness fills me up Everytime The silence stretches On And On And On Building my doubt Fueling fears I dare not voice What would you...
The corners are quiet The places I hide inside my mind Where I can sleep Find a little peace Fill the spaces With the me That I keep away Secret from everybody For fear they couldn't understand For shame Of what's become Of the me I...
I'm Giving Up on You
The howling wind beating at the rattling windows; the ominous glow of a street lamp over a street, casting an eerie shadow over everything in its range; the onslaught of rain on the roof, drowning out everything but the overpowering thunder; the crack...
Stream of Consciousness...
Part of me wants to sit on my arse and do nothing... and that part of me that only comes out when my depression strikes has been telling me to throw myself into the brisbane river... i guess it could work...