The Flug Fly

It was a nano-fly, he called it. a nanobot fused with the dna of a fly, to make an android of sorts, but extremely tiny, smaller then any known fly. it would be the most amazing infiltration unit ever!

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Flying High

"i'm flying at 250 knots, about 90 miles from your airport, over." there was silence for a while, and unathi hoped to christ they would give her the affirmative.

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Flying High

The working dogs hands grasp at the brown mutts ass he continues to fly south for the winter, nipping and licking at her thighs.

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Skrex's Stories - 2 - I can fly!

She was flying! this wasn't a dream! she could feel the wind blowing through her hair and night gown as she stretched out her arms. she looked down at the houses down below as she flew over her town. where she was flying to, she had no idea.

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Josefs Tagebuch Teil 10

21.11.13 So my parents decided it would be a good idea to celebrate American Thanksgiving. The difference being that we have a professional chef instead of my mom having to cook. You should have seen Nick's face when he saw the banquet which he was...

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Josefs Tagebuch Teil 8

Some may wonder why we flying wolves would have any need of planes but it's difficult for us to fly across the entirety of an ocean, even if it is only the atlantic. so w

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Josefs Tagebuch Teil 2

14.1.2013 I saw that wolf again today. He is so cute. It's really quite adorable how he acts so submissive around me. I can tell by the way he smells, though; he's an alpha in his pack. _Ni Gozi_, if only their alpha knew... I found out his full name...

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Dragon Dive

The excitement of speeding through the moist clouds made me tingle with ecstasy, and the feeling of flying without an airplane, the freedom, my body falling with nothing to catch me, and the cool wind blowing against every inch of my body while completely

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To Take Flight

We'll fly to the south just to be safe." the lovely cheetah closed her eyes and smiled a bit. "okay, to the south, we can fly to the south," she said, a smile starting to cross her face.

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Kickaha Flies a Kite

The kite was flying. his paws were holding the handle. the fact that he was less flying the kite and now the kite was more flying him was irrelevant. there was no rule that said that the kite flyer had to be touching the ground.

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A Journey in Hell - Chapter 4 [Gluttony - Part 1]

A wide grin escaped the fly's face as his dark aura radiated with energy. "i won't be an easy opponent draco, you do well to remember that." brandon wasn't fazed, not a bit. in fact, he seemed glad.

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Me and my Papa

As he slowly opened his eyes he saw he was flying a few meters off the ground above his papa. "i'm doing it papa!" he shouts out excitedly...forgetting he had to keep flapping his little wings.

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