My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 2
"hey, juuichi met our new guest, uh... what's your name again?" did torahiko forgot? what the hell, he was blushing. "i'm kelly sullivan." i said to the big bear. "i'm juuichi mikazuki."
My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 32
Shin walked by along with juuichi. "definitely." the bear-man said. "hey, is tatsuki-san coming?" shun asked. "kuroi and i just saw him bringing a tall object here. they're outside now." juuichi responded. "already? they're here?" i said.
Winter Breeze Ch. 6 Pt. 2
By juuichi mikazuki are soon to be available to bookstores near you. \>\>[go read it right here!]
My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 7
juuichi asked. "i'll return it to my cousin after my stay is over." i replied. "juuichi-senpai, you use that for crime fighting." soutarou said. "i'm a judo trainer, i don't use weapons, touno, and i'm not a samurai." he said.
My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 16
"juuichi-san with kenji." kimi continued. "let's get over with." juuichi said. "come on bro, we can do this!" kenji tried to motivate his grumpy twin brother. "kouya with kelly, and toshi with saki." she said. "wait, what about yukiharu?"
Winter Breeze Ch. 7
A while later, juuichi and torahiko noticed us and now gliding their way to our direction. juuichi took the honor of greeting first as torahiko took out an aluminum canister.
One last reminder: this one takes place in juuichi's pov in my right hand was a ticket that can be torn to half.
August 7: Late Night Call
juuichi-san's gonna join us too." i sighed. "i hope you're not planning on just copying." "come on, have a little more faith in me, why don't you? oh, shun-kun's also coming.
‘’Morenatsu: The reunion,,
But if you like the idea i will put my whole summer for this ;d _main characters_ _hiroyuki nishimura-_ **me** _torahiko ooshima-_ **torahiko** _shin kuroi-_ **shin** _tatsuki midoriya-_ **tatsuki** _kouya aotsuki-_ **kouya** _juuichi mikazuki-_ **juuichi
Another Message
juuichi-san slamming down opponents at his competition. kyouji-san and soutarou-kun scoring that last goal. to top it all off, torahiko winning gold at the swim meet. what more could a guy ask for when he's back with his childhood friends?
Don't Know Me
So this is my next story, this is a fanfiction of morenatsu, well not a fanfiction since it only has one or maybe two characters form morenatsu, it will star juichi, but i want to spell it juuiichii, my pic says juuichi but i want to spell it different.
August 5: Candy Wars
Or you might end up like juuichi-san!" kounosuke remarked, standing next to me. i ruffled the tanuki's hair. "kounosuke, let's take it easy on the jabs okay?" "okay, okay! sheesh..."