The Birth of a Phoenix (Chapter 1) (Part 2)
The second half of chapter 1 the lights within the library were dim. i felt cautious, noting an absent of personnel while timaeus and i scuffled in passed the sliding doors. the foyer yawned broadly, leading towards many wide bookstands.
Trust - Kreet 73
Kreet and Miss Tribi took a food wrapping for Kallid, and began the walk back to the cathedral. "Now, it was a fictional book of sorts. Really a myth, but it said she was 'heavy' with her eggs and 'went to nest' for two days. Now I assume that...
Library Adventures I
Except for those few days the library is closed, which is always the horror for him. the library is big and he doesn't often meet other people, mostly because he sat in a corner of the library not many people approach.
Q&A Panel in one hour and thirty minutes!
[]( come and join us in the phoenix library!
A Quiet Moment
"i'm sure the library would benefit from it miss ikume." mr smith purred. arctic winked before walking away.
All in the History Books Now (Revision 1)
"i'm not sure what your libraries policy is on spills but... you're probably going to want someone to clean this up." i only let out a grunt as he laughed and gave me a gentle spank again. "when do you get off by the way?" i misheard him.
The Spider (and the) Librarian (Illustrated by WhiteMantis)
A timid spider lives in secret, within a library. how long will he remain undiscovered?
Felines are Complicated
#4 of writing group challenges well, he said to meet in the library, right...?
Greener Pastures, Part Four: The Library at Night, Part 1
Swallowing then i reached the library doors as janny did, and pulled it open for her. she thanked me as she stepped inside, the air inside the library cool, but not as cold as outside.
In the Shadow of a Hero- CYOA- Chapter 1
Grown into one of the continent's most bustling cities, the library considered one of the new foundations of civilization.
Library Adventures III
Looks like i don't belong to the library..." she said, without any exertion. she started walking towards the exit, scuffing her tail over the ground, leaving her book at her armchair.
Library Adventures II
Vit shouted into the library. "that is awful! did you even learn it somewhere?!" as vittorio kept yelling at her, erika's eyes became bigger and tears started to run down her cheek, lowering her ears.