Envy remaking the herd... 4

#4 of remaking the herd  boing goat comes muzzle to muzzle with hooves fourth colt...   ... boing goat comes muzzle to muzzle with hooves fourth colt... boing goat comes muzzle to muzzle with hooves fourth colt...

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Revenge at last.

Anyway let me know what you think i might remake it in to a series.     i stood there pistol drawn trained on the head of my target. the same man i've been hunting for almost three years. the same man who thirteen years ago raped me.

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Corruption of Conjuring

She scrambled fearfully to take off the dress, tossing it aside, but the magic had already made its way through and was already remaking her in its image.

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Hidden Desires

"the remake? i hope not." sapphire grinned she knew suel wasn't one for remakes. she had taken him to see phone home about a human left behind when his spaceship took off at the first sign of danger. "i'm only teasing."

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A synthetic could remake their meal. and since patch had did it himself, nos now knew how too. he pondered, and thought aloud, "oooh, paaaatch... if you let me know how to go see echo, i'll remake you..."

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U.O.P.I. (Sneak peek) Bluey's nightmare.

"fix it, break it, remake it, and.... kill it...." yes....

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The current state of things and why

It was wrong of me to abandon projects and delete them at my will but i have a very persistent mental problem that constantly makes me doubt my previous work and seek to remake or erase it.

The Dreams Again

The intro to my remake of the wolven series. this one will have a better intro, development, everything. the dreams again. every other night, the same recurring nightmare. gun shots. explosions. screams. fire.

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Always a nice kill

A drunken wolf production hope you enjoyed the remake. feel free to comment. \*pours another shot\*

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Sun Goddess of Lemuria

remake of an old thing the sun goddess (boa in werer, ra in atratra, aditeyia in chola tamil, among others) is a rather important figure in the indigenous religions of lemuria.

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the werehusky part 1

You die if you win you become just like me he says what kind of game the the werehusky says triva he say ok ask me a qestoin the husky says whats the first werewolf movie ever made he says wolfman the husky says correct next qestion whats the first remake

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Prologue year: 3101 january 2 corneria goes to war with venom lead by andross who claims that he would destroy the lylat system and remake it in his own image. year: 3109 march 6 war with venom ends and andross vanishes without a trace.
