Catching Up

The wolverine chuckled somberly, thinking about how she'd be kicked out of basic training for hitting the drill sergeants one too many times. the only reason she followed helga's lead was that she saved her life. well that, and she liked helga.

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Jordan Rhodes Interview

**listen, joining the marines was a whirlwind for me, first thing i remember is basic training then next thing i fuckin' know, i am getting shanghaied into becoming a scout sniper then next they have me in team leader training.

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The Assistant's Master

The first couple of sessions after we got the implants were basic training, so she could send signals to the computer. that had all been done before, the whole moving a ball with your mind thing.


Liberty - Starfox R34

Ever since basic training he woke up just before the sun. idly he wondered how he was able to on planets with completely different day cycles but he never came up with a satisfying answer.

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Tribe Wars: Replanning.

However, when it comes to aim, none could beat him or his eyesight, which earned him the name hawk in basic training. the boar and hawk were locked hand in hand, neither able to out power the other.

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From Day One-Chapter Three

You will be sent to basic training for the united states army corps and shape up there. your driver's license is hereby revoked and will have to be reacquired when the sentence ends.

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Spirit Chronicles- Chapter one

He takes the sheets and begins putting them on the bed for tigz, preparing it as he had been made to in basic training each morning.

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The Forever War, Chapter One part ii

Lill, the only other black fox he had trained with, whom he had met in basic training, and met once again when captain ellie, who was the second person who would listen, had inducted him into her personal command after he had been hailed as the best sharpshooter

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Into the Unknown-Chapter 2

Although he had trouble past with several things but not bad enough that it would keep him from joining the military, he found himself able to get to the command school after he finished basic training.

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Friends and Enemies Chapter 1

She reminded me of that drill sergeant back in basic training. thank god i was on her good side. while trying to regain her composure she explained to me, "that's just the term we use cuz its easier to remember.

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The Car Ride Home

"as much i'd want to join the forces i might not enjoy basic training too much." damien said, pausing for a moment then continuing. "on the other hand i get to shoot guns." 

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Both fox mixes were made to need to please their owners, and when they'd gone beyond basic training they were taught more of the tech stuff than many human consumers. they could not only use the machines but figure out simple problems and fix them.

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