A Mad Dash Through Time and Space - Chapter One
When pinkie pie's involved there's no such thing as being too careful."
Saving the ponies chapter 3: The legacy of Jayce and Trevor
On jayce's final day, the last day that would have meant one whole month had passed, jayce called pinky pie to his side. the pair were left alone as jayce shared his finals words with pinky pie.
So it is Rewritten Episode 6
Asked pinkie pie. "like what?" asked minty. "you know, something for a flower convention," replied pinkie pie.
So it is Rewritten Episode 4
"we'll have to do the quick ones first and save the longer ones for last," suggested pinkie pie.
My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E3
Asked pinkie pie. "we could try to play some volley ball," said bright eyes.
Lessons In Happiness - Chapter 5
pinkie pie is devastated. she's so sad her hair is straight and everything." "her hair is straight? oh no, that _is_ bad." "why?" "there are some things about pinkie pie you've still gotta learn.
Warm Welcome, Cold Reception
Reno corrected as pinkie pie turned the bottle again. this time it pointed to the one who had spun it, pinkie pie. "oooh, oooh!" the pony bounced. "where do you live, reno? i bet it's the best, happy and _fun-e-riffic_ place in all of equestria!"
The Mane Six Scat Orgy Chapter 6: Pinkie's Turn
And pinkie pie was about to make sure she'd look just as dirty as everypony else.
So it is Rewritten Episode 19
"let's go see kimono and pinkie pie," suggested desert rose.
Through Pictures
So how can your bestest friend pinkie pie help her favorite human today?" in response, peter held up a drawing and gave it to her.
[MLP: FiM] C&C chapter 5: Discoveries and realizations
Rainbow dash finally pushed at pinkie pie feebly, hoping to dislodge pinkie before she hyperventilated. fortunately for her, pinkie pie got the message. she pulled away from rainbow dash's vagina.
Lessons In Happiness - Part Three
I quickly dozed off, sleeping to the gentle humming of 'auntie' pinkie pie.