Kira's Education

_A story I wrote in one go to get it out of my head._ Warning: This story contains violence and rape of minors. If you're the faint of heart, run away now. Share and Enjoy! * * * Shivering the girls stood in a row on the yard. It was a cold...

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The King of Carrot Flowers

_I listened to a Song by Neutral Milk Hotel and this suddenly popped in my head. Was fun to write, is just a bit short. Hope you like. This story contains sexual intercourse between very young teenagers. Who can't stand that should run away now. ...

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Keith and Matt: Changes

_It is done! The last chapter of this series. I wanna take the chance and apologise to every single one of my fans for taking so long with it. It's been almost a year and I am deeply sorry._ And I wanna say, there won't be any more Keith&Matt stories...

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About Daniel

_Hello, there. I am back at writing. Or so it seems. Am just trying to get stuff done I have in my mind. You decide if you like it._ This story has a prequel, if you wanna say so, if you want to read it, write me a mail and I will get you the...

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Ruby's True Side

So this is the last part of Ruby. It took me a while to gather it. But yeah. I bet there grammar is horrible and nobody will like this end. No begging for another part, please. Instead, you could give me ideas for the next big thing, I'd like that a...

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Ruby's Gloomy Side

_There we go, another story up and done. Most of you will find it reasonably boring, but comment either way._ _Warning: This story contains lesbian sex between teenage girls, and lots of heavy plot. Who can't stand that should scamper away now._ * *...

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Ruby's Pensive Side

_So here we go, another part. The next one will become pretty heavy on the plot size. That means hardly any sex, but lots of thoughts. And you may not like it. Warning: This story contains some abuse and dirty fighting. So, share and enjoy!_ * *...

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Ruby: Interlude

_Just a small interlude. Very short, no story, just erotic._ Warning: This story contains master/pet intercourse between teenage furs. Whoever can't stand that should leave now. Ruby and Tommy pulled the girl outside the house. She tried to...

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Ruby's Strong side

_Next part of the story. Just finished, in almost one go, as inspiration hit me._ I love comments, so please don't be shy. Warning: In this story are so many things wrong that I don't want to start. Let's just say, if you are faint-hearted, go see a...

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Ruby's Weak Side

So, the third story, it's pretty long this time and hardly contains any real sex. But you know, I am tired of adding sex when it doesn't fit. So I am quite happy with this one, as it contains a lot of Ruby. I have grown to love Ruby. So I want to ask,...

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Ruby's Bright Side

_So this is a direct sequel to the other story of Ruby. Inspiration hit me last night and I wrote it all down in one go, once again. Comments are much appreciated, I really want feedback on this one. So every reader, please try to make up a...

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A travel

_A very short story I wrote down in one go. I don't know why. I felt like it. It is probably full of spelling mistakes, but I don't care. I used the first person for artistic reasons. This is in no way about me. Now share and enjoy._ * *...

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