Tale of Tails Prologue
Guessed to be ahead, the sound of rushing water assaulted the small child's ears, as his gaze drifted toward the noise he is able to make out an angry rushing river, flowing with the full fierce force of mother earth, it seemed even she is out to stop their escape
the Wolves Chapter 7: wolf hunt
"they were escaped slaves."
Noir Hero part 2
#2 of noir hero **part 2: the escape.** _yesssssss, you ssssshall be perfect_ those words still ring in in my ear to this very day, sending chills down my spine.
Escape from Xevog, part 2
#31 of wayward scale the second part of escape from xevog at last!
Escape from Xevog, Part 1
#30 of wayward scale having escaped from k'tann, james and company must now find a place to lay low. thanks to sergal queen arts 58 for her role yinglets are the brainchild of valsalia # james awoke to a blinding light filling the pod.
Nathanriel's Fate: Chapter 3
Getting past the guards prove to be a challenge for the group. Realizing that the two creating the barriers are the only things keeping the rest of their group alive a lot of the incoming arrows are aimed at just those two. Kree explains that the...
The new dinosaur (part 16)
"a indominus rex has escaped!!!" i shouted into the radio "the aggressive one!!!" the voice broke trough the static "the emergency escape team is on route!" i said "thanks!" the voice asked "haven't we had a indominus escape before?
The new Dinosaur (part 14)
My radio cut-in, who ever was on the other side asked "do you need the emergency escape team?!" "yes... we _ **need** _ the emergency escape team!!" i shouted trough breaths "how will they find me? i'm in the middle of the forest!"
Lagomorphs -- Chapter 8: Strawberries
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Lagomorphs Copyright © July, 2015, FurryWurry All rights reserved Chapter 8 -- Strawberries \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ After a...
Burning Heavens PT4
The patients are escaping!' the nurse started screaming. i acted quickly, knocking her out as we passed.
Transcendent Pt.4
I'll be waiting outside the testing room and i'll help you escape... hopefully we won't get killed..." "okay seems simple..." i say to him as he gets up and leaves im gonna escape? well... this is going by quickly... tomorrow is the day...
Erins story - The beginning
I have detected a hyperspace inhibitor, we cant escape! -i..i...what should we do now?? -i recommend surrender captain.