Rescue Rangers - Chip's Spanking
They grabbed chip, and then told gadget to prepare the spanking machine that she built earlier. "don't you dare." chip said. "sorry chip, but you've definitely deserved this." gadget said, as she activated the machine.
Blasting the Past
Penny gadget, inspector gadget's niece, is now a full-fledged agent of womp in her own right, and hot on the trail of the latest mad scheme: to destroy inspector gadget in the past.
Chapter Ten
Chip and monterrey punched out their respective captors and both punched out gadget's.
A cute story?! x3.
gadget pouted up at the tiger, whom raises a brow questioningly as he nips one of her ears, "waddaya mean? you could still be studying right now, but you're not!" he chuckles, gadget blushed slightly as she bopped his nose again, "dummy...
The Lead Crown: Ch 2c, Revelations (pt 4)
Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 2-4, Revelations Alarice scowled as she moved quickly back into her room; if there were members of the Order of Blades on their way into the building then the morning would start with the first of many acts of...
Harry Potter and his Magical Mouse Ch. 1
He said, utterly amazed, "you got a few gadgets huh?" he paused. the mouse looked up at him inquisitively. "gadget..." her ears flicked and she smiled. "you like that huh?" she nodded, "okay then, your name is gadget!" she squeaked.
Rescue Rangers - Tammy's Spanking
gadget said. tammy closed her eyes and began to sob. "am i not going to need to tape up your mouth after all?" mrs. chestnut asked. tammy shook her head, making a "zip the lips" motion with her hand. mrs.
*Cub* *PDS* A Problem For Tammy's Mom - 2012
gadget still hadn't found a way to turn the girl back to normal. she sighed at the sight of her mother waddling toward them from their doorway. gadget hadn't found a way to turn her mother back to normal either.
Silverfox 06
But what silverfox noticed was the patch of velcro on top of the head, mate to the square on the gadget. muzzle them, handcuff them, slap on the gadget and turn them on and off if they get feisty ...
First I got one and then I got the other
gadget said that it was fine since she would probably be done fixing the plane in perhaps little over two week.
Project Faction - Mirella Juniper ~ version 0.2
"Your part is done, Juniper." He said to his partner, despite the pain. "But you can't do it alone. You need me, now more than ever." Juniper Replied, understanding his intentions. "My leg is shredded, June. I'm bleeding out as we speak. The...
Bat and mouse games
Chip: "so gadget, when do you think you will be able to fix the plane so we can get away from here?" gadget: "not for at least a week, maybe a lot more i am afraid.