Tricked and taken...

Rutting her sweet equine pussy, knowing he'd castrated two big proud equine males just moments before... the large gelding centaur lay there panting softly, as he listens to varu squealing and moaning in delight.

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I love my gelding

#4 of gelding lovin's why gelding cuz their hot i love my gelding my favorite time was when i

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From the Head Down - P2

Being the tallest and the most muscular of the eunuchs, volkan was the one they all trusted for his opinion on the matter, alongside hilal's personal eunuch rasim.

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Slammed... A turning myself out story

As the gelding watched the older bull's crotch begin to bulge, plainly the handsome male was very horny. "so sweet gelding... would you like to join me up in my room?"

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Remaking the herd chap 2

The wicked goat teased the very confused gelding. "well don't worry... when i leave you here... i'll stop by the barn and tell the local plough horses there's a fresh-cut gelding in here that needs fucking.

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Dr. Thomas Part One

The old gelding looked the papers over before nodding _"i'm sorry for doubting you sir.

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Wrestling a Legend...

Watching the little gelding chewing and biting his lower lip, as his eyes flew open wide in shock and pain. hoggie couldn't suppress a big gloating grin, this was only the second gelding he had ever fucked.

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The smiths herd visit

"yeah ohooooo... yeah pound that gelding." jerome moaned, as more fingers slid up his ass... the gelding slowly working his whole hand up in there.

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Lesson and corrections

"whaaaaat... are you saying the young lord here is gelding material?" the homely old donkey chuckled wildly, like cumming from getting ass pounded was something only a gelding would do.

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Mounting My Herd Mate

I would not kick if i had such a choice, but there's one trick tucked under my horse shoes that i know puts a gelding in his place time and time again.

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Paying Debts 15

Miranda grinned, leaning into those hungry gray hands that squeezed her tits so nicely, and caressed the bucking eunuch's broad, smooth belly. "ohoh yess... yes, thrust in me, eunuch...

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A Kings downfall

Making them laugh darkly, as the old king... new gelding fell back whimpering softly.

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