stOOpid story
The cold barren landscape brushed through Ricks toes,as the gust of cold wind blasted apon his face. He had no idea how he got to this depresing place or how to get out. He soon arrived at this large white house that was just in the middle of no where....
A Fairy Story
#14 of junk my stories are copyrighted, so no takee! i hope to make this into a new series, and would appreciate feedback from readers. yay, or nay!
It's story time!!!!!
Old story. featuring brian and stewie from family guy.
Unrelated Story
Before you read this, you should know this has nothing to do with the original story. i got a writer's block and just wrote this for fun. i may or may not continue this so, yeah. this one's not really good but you might like it.
Story teaser!
Here's a story teaser for an idea i got while sitting around today. if you guys want me to keep writing, just drop me a comment and say so! i hate to make so many different story lines, but if i get an idea i have to write the story about it :p enjoy!
The story of the Phoenix
**this is for what will come story line. it is of the point of view a teacher or parent giving a short history lesion to a child. advanced technology is taboo.
It's A Love Story
**i would like to dedicate this story to my mate, victoria maiko. thank you for inspiring me to write further, and for all the fun and cheering up you've given me.** **although this story is fiction, the influence is not.
Blue's stories
By silver blue frostpaw this is really old, and has nothing to do with my current stories [silver's stories] note, in this story, blue goes by the female name of shanoa.
Phoenixs story
But this is not a story of that this is a story of how i found her as an egg. my story takes place in 2008, i was 20 back then. i had not yet found saphiras egg so did not yet know of the adventure about to unfold.
Terran's Story
The next chapter to my story! the dream or nightmare is not a love scene! it is a dream of brotherly love, and that's that. zepher and terran are not mates, and never will be. so yeah, just to clear that up. other then that, hope you enjoy!
matts story
"uhhmmm...." rook stuttered "we can explain" finaly wrote the story ive owed my mate since before we were together :1
A Qularr's Story
Included pictures of the story in a pdf file you also can watch at and **xiquist** _ **species: qularr** _ qularr are a strange alien species