Chapter 2
"tauros... are something that i have not hunted in a long time. mainly because i mostly go out on my own and it would take a lot longer for me to take down a tauros than if i were to do it in a pride.
Kage's Resistance
The tauros brothers had left their stations, kaje no longer needing to hold the dragon down as he was completely entranced.
Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure - Desert City Environs
([\_]( wolves ([\_](\_and\_the\_beast) zeke wolf ([
Strong Wolf Chronicles part 8 - Revelation
It was only a few weeks after your birth that she was attacked by the tauros, so i was left with the choice of when to tell you about your lineage.. and i chose never to do so.
Lost Pokemon Episode: 15 - Safario
A tauros and a scyther are locked in a battle in a small clearing. tauros has its horns locked around the scyther's torso, trying to push it back.
Spirit Bound spin off Chapter 6: Torture
He took out keys and said " open gates of tauros, pisces,libra virgo, leo.aquarius, aries, sagittarius,gemini, scorpio, cancer, and capricorn. twelve figures appeared. as the spirits got ready to fight, the man pushed natsu on his hands and knees.
Keep Moving Forward
He watched as a familiar tauros and kangaskhan couple trotted down the street. both of them carrying mountains of wrapped presents, with the tauros balancing them on his back and the kangaskhan holding them in her arms.
Mesprit's Savior
Every herd of amiable miltank has an ornery tauros. don't judge all by the sample that we've been given.
The tauros now had a single target, and he barrelled towards her at a startling speed. elle sighed and held out her paw, and the tauros slammed into a green barrier that formed before him, dozens of meters from elle.
Observations from professor Oak
Theodora made a second in exchange for some tauros steaks from the fortune tell. this one is solid in design. the fortune teller told me the shape is important. if it is hollow inside it tells time and events that have occurred and will again.
Rinta: Island of Freedom - Part 5
So as the music continued, she focused more and more on enjoying it in tandem with the sweet caresses of the tauros touching her.
The Salac Tournament: Calm before the storm
The absol quietly sat down across the table from pikachu with his tauros burger on his plate. "hi eevee," he said in his slightly amused tone. "surprised?"