A Dragon's Pain

> A Dragon's Pain > > > By Evan Drake > > > © 2020, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved The moon was unusually bright tonight. Usually, it sat in the sky, extending its light towards the world but never quite reaching. Tonight, the lonely streets were...

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The Traitor Chapter 8

> Loyal Dogs > The Traitor > By Evan Drake > © 2019, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved ## Chapter 8: The Cave Thern wasn't sure what bothered him more, finding himself once again underground or the idea of seeing giant disfigured spiders. Thoughts...

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The Traitor Chapter 7

> Loyal Dogs > The Traitor > By Evan Drake > © 2019, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved ### Chapter 7: Another Detour Thern had completely lost track of how much time he and Firion had spent drinking, yet he found the hound's company far too...

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A Dragon's Dilemma

> A Dragon's Dilemma > By Evan Drake > © 2020, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved Quinn heard the destruction before he even got into the room. Glass and wood splintering, savage growls, and roars of pain drowned out the screams of the bystanders...

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A Matter of Pride

> A Matter of Pride > By Evan Drake > © 2020, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved Valeen sipped her wine and sighed, a small smile spreading on her muzzle. Drinking wine in the moonlight had always been one of her favorite pastimes. Just sitting in her...

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Where Dragons Rule: Lyndria Chapter 9

> Where Dragons Rule > Lyndria > By Evan Drake > ©2019-2021, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved ## Chapter 9: The Sacrifice "Oh, is it story time already?" Cutter asked as William and Lance entered her cell. "And you brought me...

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Where Dragons Rule: Lyndria Chapter 8

> Where Dragons Rule > Lyndria > By Evan Drake > © 2019-2021, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved ## Chapter 8: No Compromise William yawned loudly as the elevator descended to the lower levels. His dreams had been plagued with...

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Where Dragons Rule: Lyndria Chapter 7

> Where Dragons Rule > Lyndria > By Evan Drake > ©2019-2021, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved ## Chapter 7: Nest of Vipers Lyndria jolted awake at the sound of something being dropped before her. She quickly jumped to her feet,...

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Where Dragons Rule: Lyndria Chapter 5

> Where Dragons Rule > Lyndria > By Evan Drake > ©2019-2021, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved ## Chapter 5: Fighting Back Things had become tense since the attack on William's life. Lance refused to leave William's side,...

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Where Dragons Rule: Lyndria Chapter 3

> Where Dragons Rule > Lyndria > By Evan Drake > © 2019-2021, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved ## Chapter 3: A Brief Reprieve William yawned and stared out the window of his office. Normally, such a fantastic view of the city...

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Where Dragons Rule: Rebirth Chapter 15

> Where Dragons Rule > Rebirth > By Evan Drake > © 2019-2021, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved ## Chapter 15: Missing Aeris wasn't sure what to do next. Her plan had failed in the worst way possible. No way could she go back to Logan without...

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Where Dragons Rule: Rebirth Chapter 14

> Where Dragons Rule > Rebirth > By Evan Drake > © 2019-2021, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved ## ## Chapter 14: Old Wounds The next 3 days were very tense. She hadn't told the others about what she planned on doing, and no...

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