Desert Lovers: The Start of the Journey

Greetings All, first off let me start by saying this is NOT my story. This belongs too Seamus Volp, my mate. I simply did a rewrite for him upon his request. Please give him the credit he deserves for this. Bane Accendo belongs to me. I'm posting them...

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Through the Horizon: Aftermath

Hello all, here's the next chapter. I would like to give a huge thanks to Dasher Cheetah. His work was key to getting this story the way it is so please give this incredible fur the credit he so very much deserves. Thank you my friend for all the...

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Hell Hound and Demon Cat Ride Again 2

Hell Hound and Demon Cat Ride Again 2 Bane stood on the bridge of the Ascendo's Legacy, the ship vibrating as it's shields absorbed the impacts of the attack. Recognizably Empire technology but then it had Ron as the designer, so he would be able to...

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Hell Hound and Deamon Cat Ride Again

Ron smiled as he walked through the doors of his research and development lab. Well, calling it a lab doesn't really describe the full extent of it. Early in the war, Bane had commissioned a massive research and development complex to be separate...

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Talon sighed as he sat in the command chair. Arrayed before him, holo screens displayed every statistic of his ship. He eyed the read outs, making sure each system was at the optimal level. Crossing his fingers, he pressed the startup button. The ship...

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Twisting Winds: Freedom

Twisting Winds: Freedom Bane, Dasher and Sebastian sat around the camp fire. Shaun had waded into the river to bath himself. Staying clean was important to the fox however clean is a luxury when being hunted by slavers. He smiled as he scrubbed...

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Twisting Winds: Old Habits

Twisting Winds: Old Habits Bane sat admiring the sleeping fox's beauty. His fur was white as snow. His body, lean and strong. Sebastian sat slightly behind Bane. He was still considering everything that he had observed thus far. It had completely...

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Twisting Winds: The New Path

Twisting Winds: The New Path Sebastian and Bane spent the afternoon talking, learning more about each other. Neither noticed the sun going down until Dasher called them over to have dinner. Fish again but no one was going to complain about it. ...

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Twisting Winds: New Reality

Twisting Winds: New Reality Bane groaned softly as he slowly regained consciousness. Hell, it hurt to do even that! Next thing he noticed was the scent of a forest greeting his nose. He inhaled deeply, taking in his surroundings. Peeking through his...

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Through The Horizon: Victory

Dasher stood in the office, looking at Bane with a shocked expression on his face. The minister and friend, crossed his arms and squinted one eye as he said, "Bane dear, would you mind running that by me again. I don't think I understood you...

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Through The Horizon: Hope

Through The Horizon: Hope Bane stood in his office, yet it wasn't quite his office. The enemy was now three hours away and the base was staffed to the brim. Ron had placed one of his rings at the base upon first finding it, therefore getting supplies...

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Through the Horizon: Part 1--Secret Meetings and Private Revelations

Hello all, as promised here is part one of the next chapter. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. A big thanks to my Co-Author Dasher Cheetah, I really couldn't do this without him. Also, I'm giving you credit weather you...

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