
Twin Ridges College: despite it's fancy name it was really just a regular university, same sorts of lectures, same sorts of students, same sorts of teachers, well, for the most part. Hurriedly scrambling to get across campus was one of the college's...

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A Romp in the Woods

**A Romp in the Woods** It was another beautiful hot summer's day, and the sunbeams reflected perfectly off the tranquil waters of the hot springs. Though it was a short distance from the onsen where a rather loud racket was coming from. In the woods...

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Bowser's Private Time

**Bowser's Private Time** The towering hulk of masculinity huffed in annoyance, despite demanding his underlings make sure his pristine white suit was big enough, the koopa king's immense physique was still straining the oversized garment to it's...

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The Last Place You Look - Part 2

However, fairly soon the powerful surge of emotions would soften slightly, bringing both men back to their senses long enough to open their eyes and fully realise just what they were doing. Zohaar would -then- break the kiss and quickly clamber off the...

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The Last Place You Look - Part 1

The Stacked Coffer, vessel and home of the Bouldershot Buccaneers. Roughly nine years had passed since the ragtag crew of enormously-muscular men had come together, and while they may have gotten the odd new arrival since then, they were still close,...

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Nathaniel's Mission - Part 4

A couple of hours had passed, and Nathaniel had been squeezing his way under each of the other doors in that corridor, intent on actually completing the mission he'd been tasked with, obtaining valuable information from the Bouldershots. Unfortunately...

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Traversing Azeroth

**Traversing Azeroth** It was a beautiful day in Silvermoon City, as usual, and Fyusha was checking through her pack for the umpteenth time, making sure she had everything she needed for the trip she was about to take. She'd been tasked with...

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World of Warcraft Bustyman Tactics Guide: Raid Bosses - Part 2

**World of Warcraft Bustyman Tactics Guide: Raid Bosses - Part 2** Due to the surprisingly-high interest in my first raid manual, mainly from fellow male adventurers oddly enough, I have decided to work on compiling information on more of the...

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Love is in the Air

**Love is in the Air** It was a beautiful day in Elwynn Forest, the warm sunshine beaming down onto the verdant woods below, a gentle breeze blowing through the trees, and thanks to the work of many a brave adventurer, crime here was at an all time...

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Gadgetzan: We Aim to Please

**Gadgetzan: We Aim to Please** The Stacked Coffer, the immense vessel of the Bouldershot Buccaneers, was docked at Gadgetzan's port. Walking through the mighty ship's halls was the crew's swabee, Zixxle Zapscrew, armed with his trusty mop and bucket...

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Hallow's End

**A Treat for Hallow's End** It was a dark and stormy night... well, not really, it was actually a pleasantly-cool evening in the Northern Barrens, and the goblin port of Ratchet was abuzz with adventurers, who for this particular time of year had...

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Green Fever

**Green Fever** "A goblin?!" the otter asked, a little dumbfounded; the little greenskins were not hugely-well-known for their heroism. The short, young man's mentor nodded firmly, a stern expression on the old tauren's face. "Yes, a goblin, Drazzo...

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