Blue Valley Underground - Part 01 - Buckets

Dolly began cleaning cobwebs while evan sat at the table on the bottom floor. he had documents from the barracks scattered all over the tabletop, occasionally marking on one as he stared at them.

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Secrets Ch. 11

Chase turns to the left brushing aside a few cobwebs as he reaches for the door and pushes it open. inside it is dark but and slightly musty smelling.

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Where 1

Suddenly the ground appeared beneath him and he crumpled to the ground in a cloud of dust and cobwebs. he laid there for a few seconds with his eyes closed thinking about what just happened.


Hazy Circumstances

Luke peered through the dusty cobwebs spread over the creaky old rafters. he had been told to enter the attic of the frat house naked and prepared for his hazing, but his nerve had kicked in and he had left his undies on.

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The Morphlings: Chapter 1

Noting the condition of the house with its hole filled roof and walls, broken windows, cobwebs everywhere, and the only food left in the house were some canned goods that looked like they expired twenty years ago, they came to the conclusion that it was abandoned

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The Morphlings: Chapter 1

Noting the condition of the house with its hole filled roof and walls, broken windows, cobwebs everywhere, and the only food left in the house were some canned goods that looked like they expired twenty years ago, they came to the conclusion that it was abandoned

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S1 Ep12 Rival Battle

He holds it with his left hand before doing a backflip throw to throw the orb into the air as it creates a huge dark oak tree with cobwebs in it (similar to trevenant) from the orb as it lands on the ground with a thud that seems to shake everything.

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Earthquake's experience 1: baroness the spider Queen.

The halls were filled with cobwebs and spiders. a ringtail cat, a muscular one, walked through the hallway and was in his tuxedo. he was a servant of the spider queen baroness. his name was earthquake.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 5)

As i walked, i tried my best to remove the cobwebs that had tangled themselves around my ears and in my fur. a few steps further and the passageway turned abruptly right.

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Dex and Miles: Wild Force - 2021

The neighbor's homes he passed had the typical halloween aesthetic; haunted mansion with ghost sheets, cobweb, and even green slime.

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Rarity's Burning Haunt 1

Pushing her way past the dust, she waves her handkerchief through the cobwebs, blinking back tears as she admires the magnificence around her. "such wonderful molding, and these stairs... are simply too elegant to let squander!"

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Alien Bodysuit Maker Chapter 2

The shakes her head to clear the cobwebs. she looks around for the nearest exit. she spots a door at the back of the room, and bolts for it. half way across the room, the alien laughs. she stops, and turns around in curiosity.

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