A Binding Offer

As the throne room was filled with precious jewels, gold and offerings, Juhal sat in his throne, his cursed bandages draping down, he was a fallen god because of his difference, he was a male herm. Below his sheath could a glistening vagina be seen, he...

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One Fateful Night..

As the bell rang, Shadow rose his head, it had been such a long and boring school day. He hated school; the teachers, the students, everything about school he hated with a deep burning passion. However, their was one reason he even went to school and...

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Challenging of Fate

As it was dark, blackness everywhere and the floor covered in a strange grey and cold mist. A tall slender female appeared, long brown hair, she was beautiful, her breasts perfect size to fill any male, as she looked around, she walked up to what...

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A Rest In The Journey

As the forests were calm, the sun setting in the distance, a wind gusted through and then the next second, two black clothed figures appeared in the middle of the forest, a clearing surronded in bushes and trees. As they appeared more...

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A Sudden Afterlife

_As the car stopped two figures got out. Two huskies, a male and a female and as the two walked over another figure appeared this one however was a male horse, "You got the gun?" the male husky nodded and then pulled out the gun, the horse smiled and...

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A Valued Memory

\*Warning: When I uploaded this story to DeviantArt, I put it in the Mature section, I have come to believe, the Clean section here is just like the Mature section there, This story is lised under Clean because it does not contain any reference to or...

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Schools And Types of Magic In Maldora

creation: creation involves, of course, bringing something into existence that wasn't there before. most creation magic is used for the healing of wounds and the purging of disease.

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Creation of Furries Ch. 7

\*\*\*\* "What do you mean, I'm the one?" She simply gave me a smile, and took my hand. Then, we began traveling along the ray. "Do you know who I am?" I chuckled, walking closer to her. "You're my Goddess." She shook her head, and...

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Creation of Furries Ch 6

"He's not going to stop." "He will. We just have to show him we're serious." "General, you don't know him. He's changed. He's not the same-" "Shut up, Sharp! Let me do my job, and I'll let you do yours. They've got a week, before we...

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An Eternal Binding

As Juhal sat on his throne, his newly slave neferini sitting down on his lap, recieving her daily round of pleasure, As the female mare had her legs spread over the lap of her master, the overly tall jackal god juhal. One of his paws gripped and...

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A New Road

As the sun began to set, Wind looked around for a specific someone, and then as he looked, he grinned and saw his 'target', as he flipped back some of his hair over his head, as his walked, his tail swished from side to side. His eyes looking right at...

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As the sun rised, shadows could be seen in the distance, as the shadows came closer, the mere shadows changed into an army, as the force marched closer and closer, the army then stopped as a soldier spoke "My king, we are almost there.." then a voice...

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