525 Vermilion Lane-Chapter 3-Raid
"yeah, we'll have to come back here once we get done at the superstore", i agreed, "eos, this might be our way out from under the asshole's thumb." "yeah man, i wouldn't mind living here, that's for sure.
High School of Cliches: Halloween Madness Part 2
Minutes later led to the latest exit showcasing a certain superstore for our gang. parking in the ez-mart's open lot, everyone agreed to split up and meet after getting the supplies.
The Raptor Diaries: Days 1-3
I made my way into a large pet superstore. sophie and i were attracting looks from the other customers, and a few passerbys complimented her beauty.
The Winter Wasteland: Evelyn
They passed over the trans-canada highway, passed the centennial theater on their left, a few restaurants and a london drugs -veronica pointed to it and looked at grant, who pointed out to her that it was a superstore with a little of everything, but would
Strictly Business (updated)
I was working at kayton superstore and that place has a way of sucking the soul out of you. i got into an argument with my boss and it just wasn't worth it so i quit. best. feeling. ever." "ha! i bet.
A Favourite Situation : Closure
New furniture superstores that had crazy names for something simple like a chair or a table. new restaurants seeing overpriced hipster food portions that made no sense.
"Filthy Flatmates" - Story by Kaz
"woof-world" the superstore giant that had swept the nation. compared to the junker minivan, the store was a work of pure art.
The Taste Of Grass
You know that bulger place over by the quills and sofas superstore? the one with the double-soaked wheat? best hay fries in town." "sweet celestia, she's right!" distinction was surprised. "i love their fries!