Part one_ Days of winter

That's why i hate spider theyre creepy and crawly and stare at you with red eyes" i giggled at my ottragon friend as he freaked out, while playing mine craft.

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Your old friends.

Even as we grew up, maybe we didn't use them as often, but we still had a friend we could always turn to. those "teddy bears" were our closest friends and we could always count on them.

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Love of my Second World Life Chapter 11

Kantagin then said, "i believe you have made a perfect print for the office that navaja will be needing friend herod. anyone who is friends to my clan members is a friend to me as well.

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Friendship Poems - April

I love my friends, to all our ends. friends save me from my abyss a friend till the end, a friend pulls me up again, friends will always be friends, pulling me up from the ends...

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A Dragon's Diary 09.08

So i called my friend. turns out, he was already drinking with some of his friends and colleges. so the asshole i am, i asked my friend to drink with me after he was finished with his colleges and friends. surprisingly, he said yes.

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A Thoughtful Night.

Although most of the doubt about his friend was gone, some of it was still left in him, and that was enough for him to think 'why should i be friends with him?'. but he was his friend. from when they were thirteen to nineteen.

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(CYOA) The lake

Tobin says he sure loves to be in the village, with all of the silence and the peace, the friendly people. 'and i sure love to live with you, your one of my best friends.' 'thanx buddy.': say tobias. 'i love to live with you to.

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Tobias and Evangeline make a new friend

,. but the new friend had came along too late, for there was only 1 large juicy pickle left. the 3 wasn't sure what to do. so they all thought of something, the giraffe said maybe they could let him have the pickle?

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Socially Awkward.

Lars was a large beaver and an old high school friend of mine. he liked to live in a burrow, the top part of his house just for show while the basement and sub basement was where anything actually happened.

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The Most Important Part of Halloween

Jessie gave a happy purr that rumbled out from deep in her chest before she took her new friend's hand and gave a leading tug. "i left off my run at that house!"

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The One Who Makes Me Whole ch. 10

Each step made him remember deaths from various scenarios, of hopeless days where each tree friend tried to make their lives better but fate had always managed to make them die. every. single. day.

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In-Flight Snack

The otter on the other hand gave him a friendly smile, and a wink.

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